ScrollView 内的 LazyVStack 中具有可变高度的内容导致

Content with variable height in a LazyVStack inside a ScrollView causes stuttering / jumping(ScrollView 内的 LazyVStack 中具有可变高度的内容导致口吃/跳跃)

本文介绍了ScrollView 内的 LazyVStack 中具有可变高度的内容导致口吃/跳跃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


XCode 版本 13.0 测试版 (13A5155e)&针对 iOS 14 或 15

XCode Version 13.0 beta (13A5155e) & Targeting iOS 14 or 15

我的目标是在 SwiftUI 中创建一个聊天视图.这需要创建一个具有不同高度内容的 ScrollView.

My goal is to create a chat view in SwiftUI. This requires creating a ScrollView with content of varying heights .

经过大量调试,我确定如果您在 ScrollView 中有没有固定高度的视图,当您滚动到视图顶部时它会卡顿.

After extensive debugging, I've determined that if you have views within the ScrollView that do not have a fixed height, it will stutter when you scroll to the top of the view.


项目: 下载此项目并亲自尝试

struct Message: Identifiable {
  let id = UUID()
  var text: String

struct ContentView: View {
  @State var items: [Message] = MockData.randomMessages(count: 100)
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Button("Shuffle items") {
        items = MockData.randomMessages(count: 100)
      ScrollView {
        LazyVStack(spacing: 10) {
          ForEach(items) { item in

我现在的结论是 LazyVStack 仅适用于具有固定高度的子视图.仅此问题就导致 SwiftUI 无法投入生产.

My conclusion right now is that LazyVStack only works with child views that have fixed height. This issue alone prevents SwiftUI from being production ready.


Has anyone else tackled this?

苹果公司的回应(2021 年 7 月 27 日):

"在您的 Mac 目标上,这一切正常,但我发现 iOS 上存在滚动问题.这个问题绝对是 iOS 上 SwiftUI 的一个 bug.我建议不要重写你的应用程序,而是为你的 UIScrollView 使用 UIViewRepresentable (或者实际上 UITable/UICollection 视图在这里最有意义).如果您使用可重用的视图,例如表格或集合,这些问题几乎肯定会消失.您不需要重写您的应用,但如果此问题阻止发布,您应该添加 UIViewRepresentable."

"On your Mac target this all works but I see there are scrolling issues on iOS. This issue is definitely a bug with SwiftUI on iOS. I recommend that rather than rewrite your app you use a UIViewRepresentable for your UIScrollView (or actually UITable / UICollection View would make the most sense here). If you use a re-usable view such as a table or collection these issues will almost certainly go away. You shouldn't need to rewrite your app but you should add a UIViewRepresentable if this issue is preventing a release."


在 macos 12.beta、xcode 13.beta、target ios 15 和 macCatalyst 上运行没有任何问题.在 ios15 设备和 macos 12 上测试.我也尝试使用 10000,效果很好.也许您的问题发生在较旧的 ios 和 macos 上.您可能对 Swift UI 被高频 @StateObject 更新淹没感兴趣? 代码在 ios14 而不是 ios15 上挣扎的地方.

works without any problems on macos 12.beta, xcode 13.beta, target ios 15 and macCatalyst. Tested on ios15 devices and macos 12. I also tried using 10000, and that works well. Maybe your issue happens on older ios and macos. You maybe interested in Swift UI overwhelmed by high-frequency @StateObject updates? where code struggles on ios14 but not ios15.


You could try other ways to see if you can improve the performance, such as:

 ForEach(items.indices, id: .self) { index in

 ForEach(Array(items.enumerated()), id: .0) { index, item in

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本文标题为:ScrollView 内的 LazyVStack 中具有可变高度的内容导致
