在 Android ImageView 中使用 Glide 调整图像大小

Resize images with Glide in a ImageView Android(在 Android ImageView 中使用 Glide 调整图像大小)

本文介绍了在 Android ImageView 中使用 Glide 调整图像大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a lot of doubts about the treatment of the images in android, and I was hoping to see if you could solve them.

此时我有一个高度为 320 dp 的图像和 match_parent 宽度,大约是屏幕的 60%.这张使用 Glide 加载的图像,以及我个人拥有的 1080 中的一些图像.

At this point I have an image that occupies 320 dp high, and match_parent width, which is around 60% of the screen. This image of the load with Glide, of some images in 1080 that I have personally.

我尝试制作 centroCrop 和 fitXY,但总是使图像变形.我知道的第一种类型会剪切图像,但第二种适合大小,但它确实会使图像变高或变宽.

I tried to make centroCrop and fitXY, but always deform the images. The first type I know cuts the image, but the second one fits a size, but it does deform the image high or wide.

有什么方法可以用 Glide 插入它并按原样查看吗?我在 ImageView 和 Glide 上需要触摸哪些属性?

Is there any way, to insert it with Glide and see it as it is? What properties have I to touch on ImageView and which of Glide?

        app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|enterAlways" />


Override 必须通过 RequestOptions 在最新版本的 Glide 4.x 中访问.可以通过apply()

Override must be accessed via RequestOptions in the most recent version of Glide 4.x. You can add RequestOptions through apply()

    .apply(new RequestOptions().override(600, 200))

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本文标题为:在 Android ImageView 中使用 Glide 调整图像大小
