用完 0 型蹦床

Ran out of trampolines of type 0(用完 0 型蹦床)

本文介绍了用完 0 型蹦床的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Monotouch 为 Iphone 编写应用程序.当我在我的 iphone 上部署应用程序时,我在运行时出现错误 Thu Mar 10 23:38:36 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxx[0x57b4][258]

I'm writing an app for the Iphone using Monotouch. When I deploy the application on my iphone I get the error at runtime Thu Mar 10 23:38:36 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxx[0x57b4][258]

<Notice>: Ran out of trampolines of type 0 in

过去我遇到了同样的错误,但类型 1 和类型 2 不同.我能够在编译器中使用以下参数解决该问题.

In the past I got the same error but for type 1 and type 2. I was able to fix that problem with the following argument in the compiler.

-aot "nrgctx-trampolines=4048" -aot "nimt-trampolines=4048"

我想知道上面报告的类型 0 的等效项或如何解决错误

I wanted to know what is the equivalent for the type 0 reported above or how to address error


Type 0 是方法蹦床.你想要的参数是

Type 0 are method trampolines. The parameter you want is

-aot "ntrampolines=4048"


ntrampolines=[数量]在完全 aot 模式下编译时,方法 trampolines必须在 AOT 映像中预先创建.你可以加带有此参数的其他方法蹦床.默认为 1024.

ntrampolines=[number] When compiling in full aot mode, the method trampolines must be precreated in the AOT image. You can add additional method trampolines with this argument. Defaults to 1024.

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本文标题为:用完 0 型蹦床
