NSPredicate 表达式中 SUBQUERY 的快速解释

Quick Explanation of SUBQUERY in NSPredicate Expression(NSPredicate 表达式中 SUBQUERY 的快速解释)

本文介绍了NSPredicate 表达式中 SUBQUERY 的快速解释的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Apple 关于 SUBQUERY 关键字的文档似乎为零,我在 SO 或 Google 上找不到关于它的简单解释.这是一个阴谋!;)

There appears to be zero documentation about the SUBQUERY keyword from Apple and I can't find a simple explanation about it on SO or on Google. It's a conspiracy! ;)


Please, could someone from the inner-circle please just provide a quick explanation of its syntax so I can use it?

SUBQUERY(Bs, $x, $x IN %@)



这是子查询的计算结果.(来自 这个邮件列表线程,Google 中NSPredicate 子查询"的第一名.)该文档还解释了谓词格式字符串语法与它的关系.

This is what a subquery evaluates to. (Found from this mailing list thread, the #1 hit for "NSPredicate subquery" in Google.) That bit of documentation also explains how the predicate format string syntax relates to it.

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本文标题为:NSPredicate 表达式中 SUBQUERY 的快速解释
