如何评估 GPS 信号强度?(iPhone)

How can I evaluate the GPS signal strength? (iPhone)(如何评估 GPS 信号强度?(iPhone))

本文介绍了如何评估 GPS 信号强度?(iPhone)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要一种对 GPS 信号强度进行分类的方法.到目前为止,我遇到了 CLLocationhorizo​​ntalAccuracy 属性(类参考).

I need a way of categorising the strength of the GPS signal. So far I have come across the horizontalAccuracy property of CLLocation (Class Reference).

更具体地说,我需要创建如下内容;我遇到的问题是填写 if 语句.

To be more specific I need to create something like the following; the issue I'm having is filling in the if statements.

if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy ...)
    // No Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy ...)
    // Poor Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy ...)
    // Average Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy ...)
    // Good Signal
    // Excellent Signal




if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy < 0)
    // No Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy > 163)
    // Poor Signal
else if (someLocation.horizontalAccuracy > 48)
    // Average Signal
    // Full Signal


but to be honest, it didn't really work very well for users. It would show as low accuracy, but when they looked at the maps app, it would have located them almost perfectly (albeit with a circle around them).


Rather than trying to define a level of accuracy, and if your app is map based, could you do what Maps does and show the horizontal accuracy as an circular overlay? Then the user can decide for themselves if it's accurate enough.

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本文标题为:如何评估 GPS 信号强度?(iPhone)
