iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask removes utf-8 quot;+quot; character and replaces it with quot; quot;(iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask 删除 utf-8 “+字符并将其替换为 quot;)
我正在使用 x-www-form-endoded 数据创建对 API 的登录调用.我在 Postman 中创建了一个 POST 并收到 200 响应.我使用 Postman 的导出功能为 Android 生成 OKHTTP 代码和为 iOS 生成 NSURL 代码.Android 代码工作正常,但 iOS 代码收到 401 响应.我使用 Charles Web 调试代理来查看实际为有效负载发送的内容.对于 android,用户名正确表示为",但在 iOS 中显示为username=james".我的 iOS 代码如下:
I'm creating a login call to an API using x-www-form-endoded data. I created a POST in Postman and received a 200 response. I used Postman's export function to generate the OKHTTP code for Android and NSURL code for iOS. The Android code works fine, but the iOS code receives a 401 response. I used Charles web debugging proxy to look at what was actually being sent for the payload. For android the username is correctly represented as "" but in iOS it comes out as "username=james". My iOS code is below:
let headers = [
"accept": "application/json",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
let postData = NSMutableData(data: "".data(using: .utf8)!)
postData.append("&password=redacted".data(using: .utf8)!)
postData.append("&grant_type=password".data(using: .utf8)!)
postData.append("&client_id=redacted".data(using: .utf8)!)
postData.append("&client_secret=redacted".data(using: .utf8)!)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: "")! as URL,
cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,
timeoutInterval: 10.0)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers
request.httpBody = postData as Data
let session = URLSession.shared
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
当我单步执行 iOS 代码时,NSMutableData 和 Data 对象都正确地将用户名显示为",只是将 URLSession.shared 作为潜在的错误原因.但我不能进入 URLSession.shared.dataTask() 因为它是一个私有方法.任何帮助表示赞赏.
When I stepped through the iOS code both the NSMutableData and Data objects correctly displayed the username as "", just leaving the URLSession.shared as the potential cause of error. But I can't step into URLSession.shared.dataTask() because its a private method. Any help is appreciated.
There is some issue with encoding of "+" characters. You can try this instead:
let postData = NSMutableData(data: "".data(using: .utf8)!)
这篇关于iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask 删除 utf-8 “+"字符并将其替换为 ""的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:iOS UrlSession.shared.dataTask 删除 utf-8 “+"字符并将其替换为 ""
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