
Is it possible to use Core Location / GPS without any internet connection / disabled cellular network?(是否可以在没有任何互联网连接/禁用蜂窝网络的情况下使用核心位置/GPS?)



我需要在没有互联网的地区(例如帆船或撒哈拉沙漠)捕获 GPS 坐标(没有反向地理编码、名称等),这样您就可以得到您所在位置的经纬度.

I need to capture the GPS coordinates (no reverse geocoding, names, etc) in regions where there is no internet such as on a sailing boat or in the Sahara desert, so that you just get the latitude and longitude of where you are.

Core Location 是否支持这一点并回退到仅使用 GPS(无小区三角测量或 WiFi 位置映射)?

Does Core Location support that and falls back to GPS-only (no cell triangulation or WiFi location mapping)?


I think it does, but just want to be sure.


一些 iOS 设备有一个真正的 GPS 芯片,即使没有互联网连接,您也可以获取位置数据.我相信最后几部 iPhone 都有 GPS.一些 iPad 型号有 GPS.我不相信任何 iPod touch 型号都有 GPS.

Some iOS devices have a real GPS chip allowing you to get location data even with no Internet connection. I believe the last few iPhones all have GPS. Some of the iPad models have GPS. I don't believe any of the iPod touch models have GPS.


Obviously without Internet you can't show any map data unless it is part of the app, but the app will be able to record real location data.

此外,如果没有互联网,GPS 可能需要更长的时间才能获得初始位置.带有 GPS 的设备具有所谓的辅助 GPS".这意味着蜂窝和/或 WiFi 三角测量用于帮助更快地获得初始位置修复.

Also, without Internet, the GPS may take longer to get an initial position. The devices with GPS have what is called "assisted GPS". This means Cellular and/or WiFi triangulation is used to help get an initial position fix quicker that without.

没有 GPS 的设备使用蜂窝和/或 WiFi 三角测量来获取估计的位置数据,这远不如有 GPS 的设备准确.

Devices without GPS use cellular and/or WiFi triangulation to get estimated location data which is far less accurate than devices with GPS.


