游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?

Gameplay Crashes From ipa file but runs fine from Xcode?(游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?)

本文介绍了游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



当我直接从 Xcode 运行我的项目到我的设备时,它运行完美,没有任何崩溃.但是,当我创建该项目的 ipa 文件并使用 iTunes 将该 ipa 安装到我的设备中时,只有在我第一次启动游戏画面时它会崩溃,后来当我开始游戏画面时它运行良好.

When I run my project directly from Xcode to my device it runs perfect without any crashs. But when I create an ipa file of that project and install that ipa into my device by using iTunes, only for the first time when I launch my gameplay screen it crashes, later on when I starts my gameplay it runs fine.

请记住,我的游戏是在用户浏览 2 个初始屏幕后开始的,这两种情况下都可以正常工作.(即从 Xcode 或 ipa 文件运行).

Remember, my gameplay starts after the user navigates 2 initial screens which works pretty fine in either conditions. (i.e running from Xcode or from ipa file).

我不明白的是,如果问题出在游戏类的 init 方法中,为什么当我直接从 Xcode 运行它时它不会崩溃.作为 ipa 或从 Xcode 运行时,是否有任何代码压缩或不同的代码编译机制.

What I dont understand is that if the problem is in my init method of the gameplay class why it does not crashes when I run it directly from Xcode. Is there any code compression or different mechanism of code compilation when running as an ipa or from Xcode.




正如 adig 所说,从设备获取 crashlog,然后对其进行符号化.您将看到导致崩溃的调用堆栈和行.您可以在项目中设置发布、调试、临时等构建配置之间的所有差异.

As adig said, get crashlog from device, then symbolicate it. You will see call stack and the line, that caused crash. All differences between release, debug, ad hoc, etc. build configuration you can setup in your project.

这篇关于游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:游戏从 ipa 文件崩溃,但在 Xcode 中运行良好?
