减慢 iPad 视网膜模拟器 6.0

Slows down the iPad retina simulator 6.0(减慢 iPad 视网膜模拟器 6.0)

本文介绍了减慢 iPad 视网膜模拟器 6.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个用 cocos2d 为 iPhone 制作的游戏,我已经适应了 iPad,即使不是视网膜也能很好地工作.当我在视网膜 iPad 模拟器中运行我的游戏时,游戏非常慢,角色的图像需要大量加载.为什么会这样?模拟器的问题?我是否缺少一行代码才能正常运行?代码正是 iPhone 和 iPhone 很棒.

I have a game made in cocos2d for iPhone, I've adapted for iPad and works well if not retina. When I run my game in the retina iPad simulator, the game is very slow, the images of the characters take a lot to load. Why does this happen? Is the problem the simulator? Am I missing a line of code to run normal? The code is exactly the iPhone and iPhone is great.


模拟器可能具有与设备截然不同的性能配置文件——在这种情况下,您计算机的显卡可能只是难以处理视网膜的大型图形上下文iPad屏幕.您应该始终在实际设备上进行性能测试,尤其是像您这样使用 OpenGL 的应用程序.

The simulator can have a very different performance profile than a device—in this case your computer’s graphics card might just be struggling to handle the large graphics context of the retina iPad screen. You should always do your performance testing on an actual device, particularly with apps like yours that make use of OpenGL.

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本文标题为:减慢 iPad 视网膜模拟器 6.0
