constant app memory increase ( IOAccelResource )(不断增加应用程序内存 (IOAccelResource))
我正在努力解决一个问题(在 这个问题).上下文是:回合制游戏,使用 cocos2d 2.0 版开发,obj-c,无 ARC,目前正在准备 AppStore 更新以解决一些 iOS 7 问题(我的,不是 iOS7).
I am trying to wrap my mind around an issue (eluded to in this question). The context is: turn-based game, developed with cocos2d version 2.0, obj-c, no ARC, currently prepping an AppStore update to account for some iOS 7 issues (mine, not iOS7).
我自己的仪器,以及仪器,没有泄漏,没有废弃的内存,什么都没有……平坦.在 iOS 4、5、6.1 下也曾经出现过这种情况.然而,在我提交之前的测试概要中,在设备上进行分析时,我看到每 2 分钟增加 1Mb,游戏处于空闲状态,即没有任何用户交互(见下图).
My own instrumentation, as well as Instruments, show no leaks, no abandoned memory, nothing... flat. This also used to be the case under iOS 4,5,6.1. However, in my test rundown prior to submission, when profiling on device, i see a 1Mb increase per 2 minutes, with the game sitting idle, ie no user interactions whatsoever (see pic below).
我唯一能看到的是这个 IOAccelResource 类别在生成捕获之间乱跑.
The only thing i can see is this IOAccelResource category running amuck between generation capture.
Would you have any suggestions as to what could that be ?
我找不到很多关于 IOAccelResource 的信息……你们中的任何人都可以指出正确的阅读方向吗?如果这确实与 cocos2d 相关,我不介意在那里挖掘,但我不知道从哪里开始.
I cant find much about an IOAccelResource ... can anyone of you point me in the right reading direction ? If this is indeed cocos2d related, i would not mind digging in there, but i dont know where to start looking.
Also, i would like to run with 'as close to release' a build as possible, and still be able to measure the memory footprint over time. Could you suggest me a method for measuring process size ?
里卡多有一半的答案:僵尸对象是其中的一部分.您需要同时启用 Zombies 和附加的进程才能获得蠕动.
Ricardo has half the answer : zombies objects is part of this. You need both Zombies enabled AND an attached process to get the creep.
- 没有僵尸,没有记忆蠕动.
- 有僵尸,没有附加调试进程,没有内存蠕变.
- 有僵尸,附加调试进程,内存蠕变.
这篇关于不断增加应用程序内存 (IOAccelResource)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:不断增加应用程序内存 (IOAccelResource)

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