如何将 Ionic 设置为默认以 iOS 样式呈现?

How can Ionic be setup to render in the iOS style by default?(如何将 Ionic 设置为默认以 iOS 样式呈现?)

本文介绍了如何将 Ionic 设置为默认以 iOS 样式呈现?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Right now the ionic app renders with android styling by default. Instead of using the ?ionicplatform=ios param every single time I'd like that to be the default option.

I looked for hints in the config.xml as well as the config settings in app.module.ts such as:

        swipeBackEnabled: true,
        platforms: {
          ios: {
            swipeBackEnabled: true,
            statusbarPadding: false

and was unable to find an elegant way of doing it...Any ideas?


You just need to do this:


imports: [
    mode: 'ios'

Note: From @sebaferreras

Btw, by setting this config the app will use the ios styles and components even if you run it on an Android device. Please notice that ?ionicplatform=ios is just used to see how the app looks like when using the browser, but does not affect how the app is built. But setting mode: 'ios' will force the ios mode and apply the ios styles even if you build and create a .apk file.

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本文标题为:如何将 Ionic 设置为默认以 iOS 样式呈现?
