Ionic 3:从 PlayStore 链接中获取价值

Ionic 3: Getting value from PlayStore link(Ionic 3:从 PlayStore 链接中获取价值)

本文介绍了Ionic 3:从 PlayStore 链接中获取价值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 Ionic 3 应用程序,我想根据 Playstore 的下载链接在其中设置一些变量.例如, 会将我的应用程序中的帐户变量设置为 4.有什么方法可以实现吗?

I have an Ionic 3 app and I want to set some variable inside it based on the download link from Playstore. For example, would set the account variable inside my app to be 4. Is there any way to achieve this?


我终于设法使用 Firebase 动态链接使其工作.

I finally managed to make it work using Firebase Dynamic Links.

在 Firebase 控制台中设置我的应用后,我手动创建了一个如下所示的链接:

After I've setup my app in the Firebase console, I manually created a link which looks like this:

在我的 Ionic 应用中,我安装并配置了 Firebase 动态链接 插件:

In my Ionic app, I've installed and configured Firebase Dynamic Links plugin:


Then, inside app.component.ts, after the platform is initialized, I use this code:

firebaseDynamicLinks.onDynamicLink().subscribe((res: any) => {
 let link = res;
}, err => {

链接将是一个如下所示的 JavaScript 对象:

The link will be a JavaScript object that looks like this:


从这里,我可以解析结果并从 deepLink 属性中提取帐户参数

From here, I can parse the result and extract the account parameter from inside the deepLink property

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本文标题为:Ionic 3:从 PlayStore 链接中获取价值
