UIImageView 上的用户交互

User Interaction on a UIImageView(UIImageView 上的用户交互)

本文介绍了UIImageView 上的用户交互的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有许多 UIImageView,上面有按钮.

I have a number of UIImageView which have buttons on top of them.

我想在这些按钮后面的 UIImageView 上启用用户交互.

I would like to enable user interaction on the UIImageView behind these buttons.

我在 IB 中看到了该选项,但想知道在实际触摸 UIImageView 时如何触发一些代码.

I see the option in IB, but would like to know how to trigger some code when the UIImageView is actually touched.

如何做到这一点以及如何在代码而不是 IB 中将其设置为启用和禁用?

How does one do this and how is it set to enabled and disabled in the code rather than IB?



当 UIImageView 实际被触摸时如何触发一些代码.

how to trigger some code when the UIImageView is actually touched.


  1. 创建 UITapGestureRecognizer(或其他手势识别器)的实例,指定目标和操作方法.然后使用 -[UIView addGestureRecognizer:] 将手势识别器添加到图像视图中.适用于 OS 3.2+.

  1. Create an instance of UITapGestureRecognizer (or another gesture recognizer), specifying a target and an action method. Then add the gesture recognizer to the image view with -[UIView addGestureRecognizer:]. Works in OS 3.2+.

子类 UIImageView 并覆盖 -touches... 方法.确保您创建的图像视图是您的自定义子类的实例.

Subclass UIImageView and override the -touches... methods. Make sure the image views you create are instances of your custom subclass.


See the documentation for details.


how is it set to enabled and disabled in the code rather than IB

简单:imageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;

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本文标题为:UIImageView 上的用户交互
