像在 iMessage 中一样在 Uitextview 中添加 UIImageview

Add UIImageview in Uitextview as in iMessage(像在 iMessage 中一样在 Uitextview 中添加 UIImageview)

本文介绍了像在 iMessage 中一样在 Uitextview 中添加 UIImageview的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 UItextview 并为工具栏按钮添加一个额外的 inputAccessoryview 以执行其他操作.我的工具栏有一个相机图标,它从 UIImagePickerController 获取图像,我必须将此图像添加到我的 UItextview 中.

I am using UItextview and adding an extra inputAccessoryview for toolbar buttons to perform additional actions. My toolbar has a camera icon which gets the image from UIImagePickerController and Ι have to add this image in my UItextview.


Right now Ι am able to do this with :

[myTextView addSubView:imageView];

但是那样,总是在文本视图的开头添加图像,我想要的是将它添加到当前光标位置.我也想删除这张图片,就像我从 textview 中删除文本一样.

But that way, always adds the image at the beginning of the textview and what Ι want is to add it at the current cursor location. I would also like to remove this image just like I remove the text from textview.

为了记录,我还尝试获取 UItextview 文本的选定范围并尝试在该位置插入我的 imageview 但它不起作用.

Just for the record, Ι also tried getting UItextview text's selected range and tried inserting my imageview at that location but it did not work.


NSMutableAttributedString * mas = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:self.commentsTextView.text];
NSRange cursorPoistion = [self.commentsTextView selectedRange];

UIImage *chosenImage = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];

NSTextAttachment* onionatt = [NSTextAttachment new];
onionatt.image = chosenImage;
onionatt.bounds = CGRectMake(0,-5,200,200);
NSAttributedString* onionattchar = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:onionatt];

[mas insertAttributedString:onionattchar atIndex:(cursorPoistion.location + cursorPoistion.length)];

self.commentsTextView.attributedText = mas;


这在 iOS 7 之前是不可能的.现在,在 iOS 7 中,您可以做到这一点,因为 UITextView 是基于 Text Kit 的,并且内联图像可以在 NSAttributedString 中.

This was impossible before iOS 7. Now, in iOS 7, you can do it because UITextView is based on Text Kit and inline images are possible in an NSAttributedString.

这是一个非常简单的示例,我在文本中的洋葱"一词之后添加了一张洋葱图片(mas 是我的 NSMutableAttributedString):

Here's a very simple example where I add a picture of onions just after the word "Onions" in my text (mas is my NSMutableAttributedString):

UIImage* onions = [self thumbnailOfImageWithName:@"onion" extension:@"jpg"];

NSTextAttachment* onionatt = [NSTextAttachment new];
onionatt.image = onions;
onionatt.bounds = CGRectMake(0,-5,onions.size.width,onions.size.height);
NSAttributedString* onionattchar = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:onionatt];

NSRange r = [[mas string] rangeOfString:@"Onions"];
[mas insertAttributedString:onionattchar atIndex:(r.location + r.length)];

self.tv.attributedText = mas;


That's for a small inline image. It sounds like you want to add your image in a paragraph of its own, but the principle is exactly the same.

这篇关于像在 iMessage 中一样在 Uitextview 中添加 UIImageview的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:像在 iMessage 中一样在 Uitextview 中添加 UIImageview
