平铺背景图像:我可以使用 UIImageView 轻松做到这一点吗?

Tiled Background Image: Can I do that easily with UIImageView?(平铺背景图像:我可以使用 UIImageView 轻松做到这一点吗?)

本文介绍了平铺背景图像:我可以使用 UIImageView 轻松做到这一点吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a fullscreen background image that is tiled, i.e. it has to be reproduced a few times horizontally and vertically in order to make a big one. Like in the browsers on ugly home pages ;)

UIImageView 是我的朋友吗?

Is UIImageView my friend for this?


如果我理解你的问题,你可以在 UIColor 上使用 colorWithPatternImage: 然后设置背景颜色一个 UIView.

If I understand your question correctly you can use colorWithPatternImage: on UIColor then set the background color on a UIView.

如果您必须使用 UIImageView,您也可以这样做,但您放置在图像视图中的任何图像都将绘制在平铺图像的前面.

If you must use a UIImageView you can do the same but whatever image you place in the image view will draw in front of the tiled image.

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本文标题为:平铺背景图像:我可以使用 UIImageView 轻松做到这一点吗?
