UILabel sizeToFit 方法无法正常工作

UILabel sizeToFit method not working properly(UILabel sizeToFit 方法无法正常工作)

本文介绍了UILabel sizeToFit 方法无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图在一行中的 UILabel 中显示一大段文本.UILabel 是 UIScrollView 的子视图,因此我可以滚动查看整个 UILabel.

I'm trying to show a long chunk of text inside a UILabel in one line. The UILabel is a subview of UIScrollView so I can scroll and see the entire UILabel.

我的问题是 sizeToFit 方法仅部分有效.

My problem is that the sizeToFit method only partialy works.

textLabel.attributedText = attributedString;
textLabel.numberOfLines = 1;
[textLabel sizeToFit];
textScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(textLabel.frame.size.width, textLabel.frame.size.height);

UIScrollView 内容大小变得足够大,可以显示整个 UILable,但是对于这样的一行:

The UIScrollView content size gets big enough to show the entire UILable, but for a line like:


so i'll try to share some of them here every once in a while."

UILabel 显示:

The UILabel shows:


so i'll try to share som...



结果代码很好 - 但是选中了使用自动布局.取消选中它 - 一切都很好......

Turns out the code is just fine - but the Use Autolayout was checked. Unchecked it - everything works just great...

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本文标题为:UILabel sizeToFit 方法无法正常工作
