弹回 UIViewController 后 UIScrollView 的原点发生变化

UIScrollView#39;s origin changes after popping back to the UIViewController(弹回 UIViewController 后 UIScrollView 的原点发生变化)

本文介绍了弹回 UIViewController 后 UIScrollView 的原点发生变化的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 UIViewController 子类作为情节提要中的场景,其中包含一个包含各种子视图的 UIScrollView.其中一个子视图是一个 UIButton ,它进入另一个场景 UIViewController 子类.当我从视图返回时(将 UIViewController 从导航控制器堆栈中弹出),我发现滚动视图的原点发生了某种变化,尽管 contentsizecontentoffset 看起来是正确的.

I have a UIViewController subclass as a scene in the storyboard that contains a UIScrollView containing various subviews. One of the subviews is a UIButton which segues into another scene UIViewController subclass. When I come back from the view (pop the UIViewController off the navigation controller stack), I find that the scroll view's origin has somehow changed, although the contentsize and contentoffset seem correct.

另外有趣的是,该应用程序有一个标签栏,当我离开并返回该视图时,滚动视图被正确设置为偏移量为 (0, 0).

What's also interesting is that the app has a tab bar, and when I tab away and back to that view, the scroll view is set back correctly with offset at (0, 0).


There is basically no code involved in this process, as it's pretty much all in the storyboard. As I am fairly new to using the storyboard, I figure I'm doing something wrong, although I don't know what. Any ideas as to what that may be? Perhaps sizing issues or constraints?



Actually, I put that line of code in viewDidDisappear, and so that it remembers the offset when the view reappears, I added this line before it

 self.contentOffset = self.scrollView.contentOffset;


 - (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews { 
       self.scrollView.contentOffset = self.contentOffset; 

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本文标题为:弹回 UIViewController 后 UIScrollView 的原点发生变化
