关闭 UIScrollView 底层的模态视图更改

Dismiss modal view changes underlying UIScrollView(关闭 UIScrollView 底层的模态视图更改)

本文介绍了关闭 UIScrollView 底层的模态视图更改的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这里一定有一些我缺少的基本内容.我打开了一个 UIScrollView,它由客户 UIScrollViewController(称为 DataController)控制.在某个时间点,需要用户输入,所以我从 DataController 打开一个模态 UIViewController:

There must be something basic that I am missing here. I have a UIScrollView open, which is controlled by a customer UIScrollViewController (called DataController). At a certain point in time, input from the user is needed, so I open a modal UIViewController from the DataController:

ElementSelectController *viewController = [[ElementSelectController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ElementSelectController" bundle:nil];
viewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical;
viewController.theDelegate = self;
[self presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];

一旦用户准备好模式视图,它就会再次被关闭.这也发生在 DataController 中:

Once the user is ready with the modal view, it is dismissed again. This also happens from the DataController:

[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

这一切都很好.但是当模态视图消失时,原来底层的 UIScrollView 被调整为全屏,并滚动到位置 (0,0).即使是一个简单的模态视图也是如此,它不做任何其他事情但被解雇.显然,我希望 UIScrollView 保持与模态视图出现之前相同的状态和大小.

This all works fine. But when the modal view is gone, it turns out that the underlying UIScrollView is resized to full screen, and scrolled to position (0,0). This is the case even with a simple modal view that does not do anything else but be dismissed. Obviously, I want the UIScrollView to remain in the same state and size as it was before the modal view came up.


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

我在设置 UIScrollView 框架时检查了堆栈跟踪(通过自定义 UIScrollView 的 setFrame: 中的断点),它似乎是从以下位置调用的:

I checked the stack trace when the UIScrollView frame is set (through a break-point in setFrame: of a custom UIScrollView), and it appears that it is called from:

-[UITransitionView transition:fromView:toView:]


which is called via, via from the dismissModalViewControllerAnimated call.


-[UITransitionView transition:fromView:toView:]


Is perfectly normal for transitioning from the modal back to your view. This is the animation etc, try you modal with animation if you think that could make a difference.

看看你的 viewWillAppearWillDisappearDidAppear...如果合适的话,即使是 LoadUnload ,尽管不太可能在模态中没有任何内容的情况下为您的琐碎测试调用它们.尝试在这些方法中添加一些日志,看看调用了哪些方法.

Take a look at your viewWillAppear, WillDisappear, DidAppear... Even the Load and Unload if appropriate, although unlikely those are called for your trivial test with nothing in the modal. Try placing some logging in those methods to see which is called.


Also are you saying there is no custom code in those methods, or your controller doesn't override them at all? Could make a difference.

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本文标题为:关闭 UIScrollView 底层的模态视图更改
