如何解决 Admob ExecutionExceptions?

How to solve Admob ExecutionExceptions?(如何解决 Admob ExecutionExceptions?)

本文介绍了如何解决 Admob ExecutionExceptions?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在尝试在我的全新应用中实施 Google Admob 广告.

I've been trying to implement Google Admob ads to my brand new app.

几个小时以来,我一直在处理错误代码 0(内部错误)和广告:错误等待未来"异常.

I've been handling an error code of 0 (internal error), and "Ads: Error waiting for future" exceptions for hours.

从今天早上开始,我就有了一个 Admob 帐户,其中包含付款方式.我一直在使用我的凭据测试凭据来关注用于插页式广告的 Google Admob 教程.我已经更新了 Google Play 服务.什么都行.

I have an Admob account with payments methods since this morning. I have been following the Google Admob tutorial for Interstitial Ads with my credentials and the test credentials. I have updated the Google Play Services. Anything worked.

现在我已经下载了 Admob 示例应用程序,以便在另一个应用程序中测试插页式广告……但它也不起作用!

Now I've downloaded the Admob Sample App in order to test the interstitials in another app... and it didn't work too!

我什至不知道是我的手机问题(三星 Galaxy S8 Exynos)还是谷歌!

I don't even know if my phone is the problem (Samsung Galaxy S8 Exynos) or it's Google!


I've been looking on the internet for hours and nothing worked. Please Help. Ask me anything you need to help me, I don't even know which files do you need.


google 是这么说的

This is what google says

可能是您最近才创建了一个新的广告单元 ID 并请求实时广告.这可能需要几个小时如果是这样的话,促销活动开始得到服务.在您收到测试广告的事件然后执行很好.只需等待几个小时,然后检查是否可以在那个时候获得实时广告.如果没有,可以向我们发送您的广告单位 ID 供我们调查."

"It could be that you have only recently created a new Ad Unit ID and requesting for live ads. It could take a couple of hours for promotions to begin getting served if that will be that case. In the event that you are getting test advertisements then your execution is fine. Simply hold up a couple of hours and check whether you can get live advertisements at that point. If not, can send us your Ad Unit ID for us to investigate."


so you have need to wait for the few hours :)

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本文标题为:如何解决 Admob ExecutionExceptions?
