我如何将 Admob adunit 大小从横幅编辑为插页式?

how could i edit Admob adunit size from banner to interstitial?(我如何将 Admob adunit 大小从横幅编辑为插页式?)

本文介绍了我如何将 Admob adunit 大小从横幅编辑为插页式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我将应用中的广告类型从横幅更改为 interstitial 时,我发现自己很无助.但我使用了与 admob 相同的 ad-banner id.虽然插页式广告看起来还不错,但我的 ecpm 很低....

i just found out myself helpless when i changed the ad type in my app from banner to interstitial. But i used the same ad-banner id from admob. though the interstitial are appearing just fine, my ecpm is quite low....

我尝试将我的应用的 admob adunit 类型从 banner 编辑为 interstitial,但它在我的 app setting 选项卡下被禁用.

i tried to edit admob adunit type from banner to interstitial for my app but it is disabled under my app setting tab.

所以我必须为我的应用程序创建一个新的 adunit id 并在 App Store 中发布我的应用程序的 新版本更新了广告单元 ID?

so do i have to create a new adunit id for my app and post the new version of my application in the App Store with updated ad unit id?


简答 - 是的.

横幅广告和插页式广告需要单独的 AdunitId.它们从不同的可用广告池中提取.

You need separate AdunitIds for banner and interstitial. They pull from different pools of available advertising.

它们在客户端上的呈现方式也不同.您需要使用不同的 API 来呈现插页式广告而不是横幅.请参阅 https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/文档/admob/高级

They are also presented differently on the client. You need to use different APIs to present interstitials than banners. See https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/advanced

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本文标题为:我如何将 Admob adunit 大小从横幅编辑为插页式?
