AdMob 和 DFP 广告联盟之间的区别?

Difference between AdMob and DFP networks?(AdMob 和 DFP 广告联盟之间的区别?)

本文介绍了AdMob 和 DFP 广告联盟之间的区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在我的 iOS 应用程序上显示横幅广告和插页式广告.但现在我对广告网络感到困惑.AdMob 与 DFP 有何不同,哪一种更适合投放广告.有人可以帮忙吗?提前致谢.

I am trying to display banner as well as Interstitial ads on my iOS application. But now I am confused on ad networks. How the AdMob is different from DFP and which one is better to serve ads. Can anybody give some help ? Thanks in advance.


AdMob 是一个广告网络.作为发布者,您可以通过展示从网络投放的广告来赚钱.您将通过 AdMob 获得报酬,无需与广告公司直接联系.

AdMob is an ad network. You as a publisher can earn money by displaying ads delivered from the network. You'll be paid from AdMob without any direct contact to the advertising companies.

DfP 是作为云解决方案提供的广告服务器.您可以自己设置一个实例,但它是空的.它不包含广告.您需要走出去,从广告商那里获取广告活动,将活动预订到广告服务器并在您的应用中展示广告.您将直接与广告公司联系并直接从他们那里获得资金.

DfP is an ad server offered as a cloud solution. You can set up an instance yourself but it's empty. It contains no ads. You'll need to go out, acquire ad campaigns from advertisers, book the campaign into the ad server and display the ads in your app. You'll be in direct contact with the advertising companies and get the money directly from them.

要实现简单的获利,请使用 AdMob.如果您有一个非常受欢迎的应用程序,并且根据您所在的市场,您可能需要建立一个销售团队来获取优质广告活动.然后,您可以使用 DfP 来管理您的高级广告系列,甚至可以将其配置为使用 AdMob 来处理您的高级广告系列未填充的广告展示.

For simple monetization, go with AdMob. If you have a very popular app and depending on the market you're in, you might want to set up a sales team that acquires premium ad campaigns. Then you can use DfP for managing your premium campaigns and even configure it to use AdMob for ad impressions not filled by your premium campaigns.

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本文标题为:AdMob 和 DFP 广告联盟之间的区别?
