更新 Google Ads SDK 后 addTestDevice 已弃用,如何解决?

After updating Google Ads SDK addTestDevice is deprecated, How to resolve?(更新 Google Ads SDK 后 addTestDevice 已弃用,如何解决?)

本文介绍了更新 Google Ads SDK 后 addTestDevice 已弃用,如何解决?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在将 Google Ads SDK 更新到 19.0.0 后,会为 addTestDevice() 提供已弃用的警告消息,虽然我搜索 此链接 以解决问题但没有成功.我该如何解决?

After updating Google Ads SDK to 19.0.0 gives a deprecated warning message for addTestDevice(), while I searched this link for resolving the issue but not succeed. how can I resolve it?


mAdView.loadAd(new RequestConfiguration.Builder
       .setTestDeviceIds(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) // show error
       .setTestDeviceIds(DEV_ID) // show error


已弃用 AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice().利用RequestConfiguration.Builder.setTestDeviceIds() 代替.

Deprecated AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice(). Use RequestConfiguration.Builder.setTestDeviceIds() instead.



List<String> testDevices = new ArrayList<>();

RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration
    = new RequestConfiguration.Builder()

AdView adView = new AdView(context);
// ... invoke some methods of adView ...
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

官方参考说RequestConfiguration 是将用于每个 AdRequest 的全局配置.据我了解,一旦您拥有 setRequestConfiguration(),您的 AdRequest 就不再需要单独设置测试设备了.

The official reference says that a RequestConfiguration is the global configuration that will be used for every AdRequest. In my understanding, once you have setRequestConfiguration(), your AdRequests individually don't need to set test devices anymore.

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本文标题为:更新 Google Ads SDK 后 addTestDevice 已弃用,如何解决?
