How can I ensure admob will appear in my app(如何确保 admob 出现在我的应用程序中)
我们知道,Google 要求我们在开发应用时使用测试设备和测试广告单元 ID.但是,我想知道是否存在我可以看到真实的广告,因为我怕我在发布前更改代码和广告ID后就没有广告了.我成功看到了测试广告,然后我更改了代码和广告id,然后将我的应用程序提交到beta测试,但是测试人员说没有显示任何广告,这是正常的,还是我的代码有错误或广告单元 ID.感谢您的帮助!
As we know, google requires us to use test device and test ad unit id, when we develop the app. However, I want to know that if there exists anyway that I can see the real ad, because I am afraid that no ad will show after I change the code and ad id before release. I have successfully seen test ad, and then I changed the code and ad id, and then submit my app to beta testing, but the tester said that no ad was shown, is it normal, or I have made some mistake in my code or ad unit id. Thank you for your help!
Below is my ad-related code, and I have changed the ad id
mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(;
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
您甚至可以使用实际的广告单元 ID 进行开发,但您的测试设备应在构建广告请求时添加到 TEST DEVICES 列表中.
You can use actual ad unit id even for development, but your test devices should be added to the list of TEST DEVICES when you build your ad request.
如果您使用的是有效的广告单元 ID,则可以确保在您发布应用时展示广告.此外,您可以在 Adsense Dashboard 中检查您的广告单元是否获得了点击.
If it's a valid ad unit id that you are using, you can be sure that ads will appear when you publish your apps. Also, you can check if you are getting hits for your ad unit in Adsense Dashboard.
如果你想完全确定,你可以尝试在另一台设备上安装 apk,测试它,然后在看到广告时发布它.
If you want to be dead sure, you can just try to install the apk on another device, test it, and then publish it when you see the ads.
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本文标题为:如何确保 admob 出现在我的应用程序中

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