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Cakephp SMTP 电子邮件语法错误

Cakephp SMTP emails syntax error(Cakephp SMTP 电子邮件语法错误)

本文介绍了Cakephp SMTP 电子邮件语法错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a problem with email sending in cake. My method looks like this:

$this->Email->smtpOptions = array(
            'auth' => true,
            'host' => 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com',

        $this->Email->from    = "admin@localhost";
        $this->Email->to      = "my_test_mail@centrum.cz";
        $this->Email->subject = "Test";
        $this->Email->sendAs = "text";

        $this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';

        $this->Email->send('Hello message body!');


But when I try to send the email I get:

555 5.5.2 Syntax error. l3sm512374fan.0


What do I need to chnage in order for this to work?



Per RFC2821,Google 的 SMTP 服务器似乎是一个坚持者,电子邮件地址的格式应如下所示:

Per RFC2821, to which Google's SMTP servers seem to be a stickler on, the format of the email addresses should be in the following way:

Recipient Name <myname@example.com>

fromto 地址执行此操作,您应该很高兴.如果您没有用户的姓名,则只需重复电子邮件即可:

Do this for both the from and to address, and you should be good to go. If you don't have the name of the user, then you can just repeat the email:

$this->Email->to = "my_test_mail@centrum.cz <my_test_mail@centrum.cz>";
$this->Email->to = "<my_test_mail@centrum.cz>";

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本文标题为:Cakephp SMTP 电子邮件语法错误
