EC2 - Fresh PHP install - Mail not working(EC2 - 全新 PHP 安装 - 邮件不起作用)
我对亚马逊 EC2 越来越熟悉了.我安装了 LAMP 设置,但是当我尝试通过页面中的 mail() 函数发送电子邮件时,它不起作用.我检查过,sendmail 正在运行并且在 phpinfo 页面上.
I am getting familiar with Amazons EC2. I installed a LAMP setup but when I try to send emails through the mail() function that I have in my pages it does not work. I checked and sendmail is running and is on the phpinfo page.
我曾尝试更改 php.ini sendmail_from 但它什么也没做.SMTP 端口在防火墙上是打开的...我他妈的迷路了..
I have tried changing the php.ini sendmail_from and it does nothing. SMTP port is open on the firewall... im freakin lost..
这不会直接解决您的问题(我的意思是您现在已删除的错误消息),但 Amazon EC2 实例的邮件声誉确实参差不齐.您可能会遇到可交付性问题.
This won't directly solve your issue (edit: I mean the error message you have now edited out), but Amazon EC2 instances have a really spotty mail reputation. You're probably going to have deliverability issues.
谢天谢地 Amazon 创建了 Simple Email Service 以配合 EC2,提供免费服务对于 EC2 客户.API 非常简单,并且有许多优秀的 PHP 邮件库的传输适配器,例如 SwiftMailer (transport).
Thankfully Amazon created the Simple Email Service to go along with EC2, with a free level of service for EC2 customers. The API is pretty simple and there are transport adapters for many excellent PHP mailing libraries, like SwiftMailer (transport).
这篇关于EC2 - 全新 PHP 安装 - 邮件不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:EC2 - 全新 PHP 安装 - 邮件不起作用

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