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Paginate result set having written the query with prepared statements,(使用准备好的语句编写查询的分页结果集,)



在以传统方式进行查询之前,我一直在使用分页类,但现在我已经开始使用准备好的语句进行查询,通过 $stmt->fetch() 语句,我不知道如何现在分页.我一直在环顾四周并检查 stackoverflow 文献,似乎有一些现成的解决方案,一些命令或一些:sort-> 东西.

I have been using paginating classes when I did before the query the traditional way, but now that I have come to do the queries using prepared statements, via the $stmt->fetch() statement, I don't know how to paginate now. I have been looking around and checking the stackoverflow literature and it seems that there is some kind of ready solution for it, some commands or some : sort-> stuff.


How do you paginate what comes out of this loop? Are there some commands within the "world of prepared statements"? any link, page or web where that is shown?

while( $stmt->fetch() )
        printf("%s%s%s%s", $Email, $Webpage, $Telephone, $Mobile);



*注意:此方法仅适用于 PHP >= 5.3,具有 mysqlnd 本机驱动程序.

Method 1: get_result():

*Note: This method only works with PHP >= 5.3, having the mysqlnd native driver.

假设这是使用 MySQLi 完成的,并且您已通过 bind_result() 将这些变量绑定为结果变量,我将改为使用 get_result() 将其传输到 MySQLi 结果资源中,并将行作为数组提取到包含所有行的数组.然后使用通常用于数组数据的任何分页方法或插件:

Assuming this was done with MySQLi and you have bound these variables as result vars via bind_result(), I would instead use get_result() to transfer it into a MySQLi result resource, and fetch the rows as arrays onto an array containing all rows. Then use any pagination method or plugin you would normally use on array data:

// Don't use bind_result()...
// execute your statement
// Get result set into a MySQLi result resource
$result = $stmt->get_result();

// array to hold all results
$rowset = array();
// And fetch with a while loop
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
  $rowset[] = $row;



现在将 $rowset 用作二维数组,您可以使用它使用任何对常规数组进行操作的分页方法.

Now use $rowset as a 2D array, with which you can use any pagination method that operates on regular arrays.

如果您没有 mysqlnd 本机驱动程序(因此无法使用 get_result(),请继续使用 bind_result(),但将所有这些附加到数组中:

If you don't have the mysqlnd native driver (and hence cannot use get_result(), continue using bind_result() but append all of those onto an array:

// array to hold all rows
$rowset = array();

// All results bound to output vars
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
  // Append an array containing your result vars onto the rowset array
  $rowset[] = array(
    'email' => $Email,
    'webpage' => $Webpage,
    'telephone' => $Telephone,
    'moblile' => $Mobile


