Upload a file using file_get_contents(使用 file_get_contents 上传文件)
我意识到我可以很容易地使用 CURL 做到这一点,但我想知道是否可以使用 file_get_contents()
和 http 流上下文将文件上传到远程 Web 服务器,以及如果是这样,如何?
I realise I can do this with CURL very easily, but I was wondering if it was possible to use file_get_contents()
with the http stream context to upload a file to a remote web server, and if so, how?
Content-Type 的第一条规则是定义一个边界用作每个部分之间的分隔符(因为顾名思义,它可以有多个部分).边界可以是内容正文中未包含的任何字符串.我通常会使用时间戳:
First of all, the first rule of multipart
Content-Type is to define a boundary that will be used as a delimiter between each part (because as the name says, it can have multiple parts). The boundary can be any string that is not contained in the content body. I will usually use a timestamp:
define('MULTIPART_BOUNDARY', '--------------------------'.microtime(true));
一旦定义了边界,就必须将它与 Content-Type
Once your boundary is defined, you must send it with the Content-Type
header to tell the webserver what delimiter to expect:
$header = 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary='.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY;
完成后,您必须构建与 HTTP 规范和您发送的标头相匹配的适当内容正文.如您所知,从表单发布文件时,您通常会有一个表单字段名称.我们将定义它:
Once that is done, you must build a proper content body that matches the HTTP specification and the header you sent. As you know, when POSTing a file from a form, you will usually have a form field name. We'll define it:
// equivalent to <input type="file" name="uploaded_file"/>
define('FORM_FIELD', 'uploaded_file');
Then we build the content body:
$filename = "/path/to/uploaded/file.zip";
$file_contents = file_get_contents($filename);
$content = "--".MULTIPART_BOUNDARY."
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name="".FORM_FIELD.""; filename="".basename($filename).""
"Content-Type: application/zip
// add some POST fields to the request too: $_POST['foo'] = 'bar'
$content .= "--".MULTIPART_BOUNDARY."
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"
// signal end of request (note the trailing "--")
$content .= "--".MULTIPART_BOUNDARY."--
如您所见,我们正在发送带有 form-data
配置的 Content-Disposition
标头以及 name
参数(表单字段名称)和 filename
参数(原始文件名).如果您想正确填充 $_FILES[]['type']
东西,那么发送带有正确 MIME 类型的 Content-Type
As you can see, we're sending the Content-Disposition
header with the form-data
disposition, along with the name
parameter (the form field name) and the filename
parameter (the original filename). It is also important to send the Content-Type
header with the proper MIME type, if you want to correctly populate the $_FILES[]['type']
如果您有多个文件要上传,您只需使用 $content 位重复该过程,当然,每个文件都有不同的 FORM_FIELD
If you had multiple files to upload, you just repeat the process with the $content bit, with of course, a different FORM_FIELD
for each file.
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => $header,
'content' => $content,
file_get_contents('http://url/to/upload/handler', false, $context);
注意:在发送二进制文件之前无需对其进行编码.HTTP 可以很好地处理二进制文件.
NOTE: There is no need to encode your binary file before sending it. HTTP can handle binary just fine.
这篇关于使用 file_get_contents 上传文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 file_get_contents 上传文件

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