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如何在 PHP 中链接方法?

How do I chain methods in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中链接方法?)

本文介绍了如何在 PHP 中链接方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


jQuery 让我链接方法.我也记得在 PHP 中看到过同样的东西,所以我写了这个:

jQuery lets me chain methods. I also remember seeing the same in PHP so I wrote this:

class cat {
 function meow() {
 echo "meow!";

function purr() {
 echo "purr!";

$kitty = new cat;



I cannot get the chain to work. It generates a fatal error right after the meow.


为了回答您的 cat 示例,您的 cat 方法需要返回 $this,即当前对象实例.然后你可以链接你的方法:

To answer your cat example, your cat's methods need to return $this, which is the current object instance. Then you can chain your methods:

class cat {
 function meow() {
  echo "meow!";
  return $this;

 function purr() {
  echo "purr!";
  return $this;


$kitty = new cat;


For a really helpful article on the topic, see here: http://www.talkphp.com/advanced-php-programming/1163-php5-method-chaining.html

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本文标题为:如何在 PHP 中链接方法?
