PHP: How to check if a date is today, yesterday or tomorrow(PHP:如何检查日期是今天、昨天还是明天)
I would like to check, if a date is today, tomorrow, yesterday or else. But my code doesn't work.
$timestamp = "2014.09.02T13:34";
$date = date("d.m.Y H:i");
$match_date = date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($timestamp));
if($date == $match_date) {
} elseif(strtotime("-1 day", $date) == $match_date) {
} elseif(strtotime("+1 day", $date) == $match_date) {
} else {
代码总是在 else 情况下.
The Code always goes in the else case.
第一. 你在使用函数 strtotime
时出错了,见 PHP 文档
First. You have mistake in using function strtotime
see PHP documentation
int strtotime ( string $time [, int $now = time() ] )
You need modify your code to pass integer timestamp into this function.
第二.您使用包含时间部分的格式 d.m.Y H:i.如果您只想比较日期,则必须删除时间部分,例如`$date = date("d.m.Y");``
Second. You use format d.m.Y H:i that includes time part. If you wish to compare only dates, you must remove time part, e.g. `$date = date("d.m.Y");``
第三.我不确定它是否对您的工作方式相同,但我的 PHP 无法理解 $timestamp
中的日期格式并返回 01.01.1970 02:00 进入 $match_date
Third. I am not sure if it works in the same way for you, but my PHP doesn't understand date format from $timestamp
and returns 01.01.1970 02:00 into $match_date
$timestamp = "2014.09.02T13:34";
date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($timestamp)) === "01.01.1970 02:00";
您需要检查 strtotime($timestamp)
是否返回正确的日期字符串.如果没有,您需要指定在 $timestamp
变量中使用的格式.您可以使用以下功能之一来执行此操作 date_parse_from_format
或 DateTime::createFromFormat
You need to check if strtotime($timestamp)
returns correct date string. If no, you need to specify format which is used in $timestamp
variable. You can do this using one of functions date_parse_from_format
or DateTime::createFromFormat
$timestamp = "2014.09.02T13:34";
$today = new DateTime("today"); // This object represents current date/time with time set to midnight
$match_date = DateTime::createFromFormat( "Y.m.d\TH:i", $timestamp );
$match_date->setTime( 0, 0, 0 ); // set time part to midnight, in order to prevent partial comparison
$diff = $today->diff( $match_date );
$diffDays = (integer)$diff->format( "%R%a" ); // Extract days count in interval
switch( $diffDays ) {
case 0:
echo "//Today";
case -1:
echo "//Yesterday";
case +1:
echo "//Tomorrow";
echo "//Sometime";
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