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调用未定义的函数 __() 错误 - phpMyAdmin

Call to undefined function __() error - phpMyAdmin(调用未定义的函数 __() 错误 - phpMyAdmin)

本文介绍了调用未定义的函数 __() 错误 - phpMyAdmin的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我想在我的浏览器上运行 phpMyAdmin 时,会出现这个错误:

When i want run phpMyAdmin on my browser, that show me this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/libraries/core.lib.php on line 229
    Call Stack
    #   Time    Memory  Function    Location
    1   0.0010  344984  {main}( )   ../index.php:0
    2   0.0026  502720  require_once( '/usr/share/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.inc.php' )    ../index.php:12
    3   0.0285  3836408 require( '/usr/share/phpMyAdmin/libraries/session.inc.php' )    ../common.inc.php:344
    4   0.0288  3846488 PMA_fatalError( )   ../session.inc.php:97

我使用 Fedora 17 和 PHP 5.5.7.

I use fedora 17 with PHP 5.5.7.




Check that your session directory is writable by the webserver process.

最好的方法是创建自己的phpinfo文件;在任何可访问的网络文件夹中创建一个包含以下内容的文件(您可以将其称为 test.php 或 phpinfo.php 或任何您喜欢的名称):

The best way to do so is to create your own phpinfo file; in any web accessible folder create a file (you can call it test.php or phpinfo.php or whatever you'd like) with the following content:


在浏览器(http://localhost/test.php 或类似的)中打开该文件并查找 session.save_path 行.那是你的会话文件夹;确保权限合适,看看是否有帮助.

Open that file in your browser (http://localhost/test.php or similar) and look for the line session.save_path. That's your session folder; make sure the permissions are suitable and see if that helps.


这篇关于调用未定义的函数 __() 错误 - phpMyAdmin的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:调用未定义的函数 __() 错误 - phpMyAdmin
