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在 URL 中使用双斜杠有什么缺点吗?

Are there any downsides to using double-slashes in URLs?(在 URL 中使用双斜杠有什么缺点吗?)

本文介绍了在 URL 中使用双斜杠有什么缺点吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我用 PHP 编写了自己的 MVC 框架,它使用以下格式的 url:

I've written my own MVC framework in PHP, which uses urls in the format of:


我这样做是为了可以忽略默认"方法(默认情况下index()),所以这会导致像 /controller//param1/param2/param 这样的 URL....例如,一个 URL:/view//panel-glide/3 将在 view 中调用 index('panel-glide', 3)代码>控制器.

I've made it so that "default" methods can be ignored (by default index()), so this results in URLs like /controller//param1/param2/param.... For example, a URL of: /view//panel-glide/3 will call index('panel-glide', 3) in the view controller.


This works fine and dandy, but I'm concerned that search engines or some older browsers might freak out when they see the double slashes, as I don't think I've actually seem them ever be used before.


Is anyone aware of any issues I might come across by using this?


WebMasters 上已有一个答案讨论了 两个斜线.Apache 讨论的比较多,但是思路应该是通用的.

There is an existing answer on WebMasters that discusses the dangers of having two slashes. It discusses Apache a lot, but the ideas should be applicable generally.

本质上,我认为不推荐./foo/bar/foo//bar 真的应该是两条完全不同的路径.每一条斜线都很重要,试图规避标准化的尝试肯定会反过来咬你.

In essence, I don't think it is recommended. /foo/bar and /foo//bar really should be two completely different paths. Each slash is significant, and attempts at circumventing that standardization are bound to come back to bite you.

正如答案中提到的,相对路径失败也存在非常真实的危险.一些浏览器会正确计算出来自 /foo/bar//baz 的相对路径 ../../fizz/foo/bar/fizz,而其他人会将双斜线视为单斜线,并选择 /foo/fizz.

As is mentioned in the answer, there's also a very real danger of relative paths failing. Some browsers will correctly figure that a relative path ../../fizz from /foo/bar//baz is /foo/bar/fizz, while others will treat the double slash as a single one, and opt for /foo/fizz.


Plus, I think it looks funny.

这篇关于在 URL 中使用双斜杠有什么缺点吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:在 URL 中使用双斜杠有什么缺点吗?
