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Doctrine 2.0 中未加载的延迟加载属性

Lazy-loading properties not loading in Doctrine 2.0(Doctrine 2.0 中未加载的延迟加载属性)

本文介绍了Doctrine 2.0 中未加载的延迟加载属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用的是 PHP 和 Doctrine 2.0.所有实体都可以正常工作,除了下面详述的实体关系(或者其他实体在我没有注意到的情况下失败了).

I'm using PHP and Doctrine 2.0. All entities work fine, with the exception of the entity-relation detailed below (or other entities are failing where I'm not noticing it).


/** @Entity */
class Target {
   * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="kentitySource", cascade={"persist"})
   * @JoinColumn(name="basic_vacancy_id", nullable=false)
   * @var kentitySource


/** @Entity */
class Source {


现在,当我调用 $target->getSource() 我得到一个 kentityproxykentitySourceProxy 的实例(这是正确的代理类).但是,Source 属性的所有 getter 都返回 NULL.

Now, when I call $target->getSource() I get an instance of kentityproxykentitySourceProxy (which is the correct proxy class). However, all the getters for Source's properties return NULL.


我已经将 fetch="EAGER" 属性添加到关系注释中,现在一切似乎都很好(除了加载不再是懒惰的事实).什么可能导致 Doctrine 2.0 的延迟加载中断?

I've added the fetch="EAGER" attribute to the relational annotation, and now everything seems to go just fine (except for the fact that loading is no longer lazy). What could cause Doctrine 2.0's lazy loading to break?


如上我的问题所示,我已将 fetch="EAGER" 属性添加到关系注释中,现在一切似乎都很好(除了因为加载不再是懒惰的.

As seen above in my question, I've added the fetch="EAGER" attribute to the relational annotation, and now everything seems to go just fine (except for the fact that loading is no longer lazy).

这当然是一种解决方法,并没有修复实际的错误.除此之外,我仍然不知道是什么导致了我的代码/Doctrine 损坏.但是,这种变通办法对性能的影响似乎可以忽略不计 - 如果存在的话.

This is of course a workaround, and no fix of the actual bug. In addition to this, I still don't know what caused my code/Doctrine to break. However, the performance impact of this workaround seems to be negligible - if even present at all.

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本文标题为:Doctrine 2.0 中未加载的延迟加载属性
