doctrine2 loads one-to-many associations with fetch mode eager using too many SQL queries(使用过多的 SQL 查询,doctrine2 加载具有 fetch 模式的一对多关联)
我想在一个 SQL 查询中加载所有这些其他实体(而不是对第一个列表中的每个实体进行一个查询).
I am loading a list of many entities.
These entities have a one-to-many association to other entities.
I want to load all these other entities in one single SQL query (instead of one query for every entity in the first list).
如doctrine2 文档所述: 这应该可以通过EAGER"加载实现.
As discribed in the doctrine2 documentation: this should be possible with "EAGER" loading.
but it does not work as described.
class User{
* @ORMOneToMany(targetEntity="Address", mappedBy="user", indexBy="id", fetch="EAGER")
protected $addresses;
public function __construct(){
$this->addresses = new ArrayCollection();
class Address{
* @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="addresses")
* @ORMJoinColumns({
* @ORMJoinColumn(name="UserId", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $user;
class UserRepository{
public function findUsersWithAddresses(){
return $this->getEntityManager()
->createQuery('SELECT u FROM MyBundle:User u ORDER BY ASC')
->setFetchMode('MyBundleEntityUser', 'addresses', DoctrineORMMappingClassMetadata::FETCH_EAGER)
UserRepository::findUsersWithAddresses() 方法执行 11 个 SQL 查询.
The method UserRepository::findUsersWithAddresses() executes 11 SQL Queries.
如何告诉 Doctrine 只使用一个 SQL 查询来加载地址实体?
- symfony v2.0.9
- 共同准则 2.1.4
- doctrine-dbal 2.1.5
- 教义 2.1.5
The current version of doctrine doesn't support this.
在doctrine2 问题跟踪器中有一个功能请求.
There is a feature request about this in the doctrine2 issue tracker.
So I hope it will be implemented soon.
这篇关于使用过多的 SQL 查询,doctrine2 加载具有 fetch 模式的一对多关联的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用过多的 SQL 查询,doctrine2 加载具有 fetch 模式的一对多关联
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