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是否可以在 php.ini 中使用环境变量?

Is it possible to use environment variables in php.ini?(是否可以在 php.ini 中使用环境变量?)

本文介绍了是否可以在 php.ini 中使用环境变量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不想在我的 php.ini 配置中硬连接一些路径,而是想使用在其他一些地方(例如我的 Apache 配置)中共享的系统变量来配置它们.我已经进行了一些搜索,但找不到正确的关键字组合来发现是否有办法做到这一点.

Rather than hard-wiring some paths in my php.ini configuration, I'd like to configure them using system variables that are shared in some other places such as my Apache configuration. I've done some searching and couldn't find the right mix of keywords to discover if there's a way to do this.


Does anyone know if this can be done?

upload_tmp_dir = $SCRATCH_HOME/uploads

现在 SCRATCH_HOME 可以在环境中导出为/tmp 或/var/scratch 或任何我想要的.

Now SCRATCH_HOME can be exported in the environment as /tmp or /var/scratch or whatever I want it to be.



在开始之前,我只想指定我的配置:我使用的是 Windows 7-64 位、PHP 5.4.3、Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x,我已经设置了环境变量 PHP_HOME=C: oolsphp-5.4.3(PHP 安装目录).我在 httpd.confphp.ini 文件

Before I begin, I just want to specify my configurations: I'm using Windows 7-64bit, PHP 5.4.3, Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x, I've set my environmental variable PHP_HOME=C: oolsphp-5.4.3 (PHP installation directory). I use the variable in my httpd.conf and php.ini file


Note: I will be omitting some text for brevity.


# For PHP 5 do something like this:
LoadModule php5_module "${PHP_HOME}/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

# configure the path to php.ini


; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; http://php.net/extension-dir
; extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
extension_dir = "${PHP_HOME}/ext"

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本文标题为:是否可以在 php.ini 中使用环境变量?
