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CodeIgniter PHP 模型访问“无法定位您指定的模型"

CodeIgniter PHP Model Access quot;Unable to locate the model you have specifiedquot;(CodeIgniter PHP 模型访问“无法定位您指定的模型)

本文介绍了CodeIgniter PHP 模型访问“无法定位您指定的模型"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have been trying to load some models for this website I am building. However, for an unknown reason, it will bring the following error :

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to locate the model you have specified: logon_model

现在,我已经完成了我的研究.问题在于 IC 以小写形式处理文件名.但是,我的文件和文件调用都是小写的,如下所示:

Now , I have done my research. The problem would be that IC processes file names in lowercase. However, both my file and the file calling is in lower case, as shown here :

            // Validation passed. Off we go to account info verification from AA's database. God help us all.
            echo "FOUND MODEL";
            $res = $this->logon_model->verify_user($this->input->post('username'),$this->input->post('password'));
            echo $this->input->post('username');
            echo $this->input->post('password');

执行到达FOUND MODEL",因此停止模型加载.我曾尝试使用:

The execution does not reach "FOUND MODEL", thus stops on the model loading. I have tried to use:



With no results. Need to mention the model file is correctly placed in the right model folder ?


How can I fix this ?


class Logon_model extends CI_Model {



创建模型时,需要将文件放在application/models/中,文件名全部小写 - 如logon_model.php

When creating models, you need to place the file in application/models/ and name the file in all lowercase - like logon_model.php

logon_model.php 应包含以下内容:

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Logon_model extends CI_Model
    public function __construct()

现在,您可以做的是测试您的应用程序模型是否可访问,就是尝试在浏览器中打开它 - 如下所示:

Now, what you can do, to test if your application model is reachable, is to try opening it in the browser - like so:

如果您看到文本不允许直接访问脚本,则表示您找到了正确的文件(如果您有疑问,请尝试在第一行的 exit() 中写入其他内容).

If you see the text No direct script access allowed it means you hit the right file (if you are in doubt, try writing something else in the exit() in the first line).


Secondly, for loading the model in your controllers, you should be able to do like this:

public function index()




If everything above checks out as expected I would begin looking at file permissions and/or possibly symlinks if you are using any.

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本文标题为:CodeIgniter PHP 模型访问“无法定位您指定的模型"
