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如何从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?

How to open Outlook Calendar from an email link or webpage?(如何从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?)

本文介绍了如何从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?我正在寻找可以打开收件人 Outlook 日历的代码.我不想用任何东西填充日历 - 只需打开 Outlook 日历,这样他们自己就可以抽出一些时间.

Is it possible to open Outlook Calendar from an email link or a webpage? I am looking for code that will open the recipient's Outlook Calendar. I don't want to populate the calendar with anything - just open Outlook Calendar so they themselves can block out some time.



On the condition that outlook is installed on the client, you can use the following syntax:






要打开联系人 fred 博客,请键入以下内容:

To open the contact fred blogs, type the following:

<Outlook:Contacts/~fred blogs>


To open an Item in a Public Folder

<Outlook://Public Folders/Foldername/~Itemname>

例如,要在名为Public Contacts"的公共文件夹中打开名为John Doe"的联系人,请使用以下超链接:

For example, to open a contact named, "John Doe" in a plublic folder named, "Public Contacts" use the following hyperlink:

<Outlook://Public Folders/Public Contacts/~John Doe>


To open a file in a Public Folder

<Outlook://Public Folders/Foldername/Mydocument.doc>

注意:在上面的示例中,Word 将打开文档文件.由于它不是 Outlook 项目,因此您不需要使用波浪号继续文件名.

Note: In the above example Word will open the document file. You do not need to proceed the file name with a tilde since it is not an Outlook item.


To Open an Item in a Subfolder of a Folder in Your Inbox



To open New Labor Time, located in the Labor folder in your Inbox, type the following:

<Outlook:Inbox/Labor/~New Labor Time> 

这篇关于如何从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何从电子邮件链接或网页打开 Outlook 日历?
