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将字体添加到 mPDF

adding font to mPDF(将字体添加到 mPDF)

本文介绍了将字体添加到 mPDF的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我尝试使用 mPDF 类生成 PDF 时出现以下错误:

TTF 文件C:/wamp/www/inc/mpdf/ttfonts/verdana.ttf":无效校验和 20f65173c11 表:DSIG(预期为 65173c11)

我已将字体文件上传到我的 ttfonts 目录并在 config_fonts.php 中定义字体,如下所示:

"verdana" =>大批('R' =>"verdana.ttf",'B' =>"verdanab.ttf",'我' =>"verdanai.ttf",'BI' =>"verdanaz.ttf",),

我只在配置设置中打开字体错误报告时看到错误.当我关闭错误报告时,会生成 PDF,但使用的字体不是 Verdana.



基于@hrvoje-golcic 的回答,这里有一种改进的、不那么脏的方法,无需编辑 config_fonts.php 即可将字体添加到 mPDF.我正在使用 Laravel,我使用 Composer 安装了 mPDF.

  1. 按照作者的建议,在初始化 mPDF 之前定义一个名为 _MPDF_TTFONTPATH 的常量,并将该值作为 ttfonts 文件夹的路径(这至少从 5.3 开始就存在常量).
  2. vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts 文件夹复制到您控制的位置(在 vendor 文件夹之外).
  3. 将您的自定义字体与其他字体一起添加到该文件夹​​中.
  4. 将您的配置添加到 mPDF 实例的 fontdata 属性中.


注意:ttfonts 文件夹大约有 90MB,所以可能还有更好的方法,但是您必须复制所有字体,因为原始配置添加了它们.请参阅此答案底部的作曲家脚本替代方案.

重要提示: CSS font-family 将被转换 到小写 + nospaces 所以Source Sans Pro"将成为sourceanspro.


if (!defined('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH')) {//首选绝对路径,需要尾部斜杠:定义('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH', realpath('fonts/'));//使用 Laravel 的 resource_path 函数的例子://定义('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH', resource_path('fonts/'));}函数 add_custom_fonts_to_mpdf($mpdf, $fonts_list) {$字体数据 = ['sourcesanspro' =>['R' =>'SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf','B' =>'SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf',],];foreach ($fontdata as $f => $fs) {//添加到字体数据数组$mpdf->fontdata[$f] = $fs;//添加到可用字体数组foreach (['R', 'B', 'I', 'BI'] 作为 $style) {如果 (isset($fs[$style]) && $fs[$style]) {//警告:常规样式没有后缀!浪费时间:2$mpdf->available_unifonts[] = $f .修剪($style,'R');}}}$mpdf->default_available_fonts = $mpdf->available_unifonts;}$mpdf = new mPDF('UTF-8', 'A4');add_custom_fonts_to_mpdf($mpdf);$mpdf->WriteHTML($html);

Composer 安装后脚本

不是复制所有字体并将它们添加到 git,而是使用 Composer 安装后脚本的一个方便的解决方法可以为您做到这一点.



这将忽略除 .gitignore 文件和您要添加的字体之外的所有内容.

接下来,将以下脚本添加到您的 composer.json 文件中:

脚本":{安装后命令":["cp -f vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts/* 资源/字体/"],post-update-cmd":["cp -f vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts/* 资源/字体/"]}


这经过测试可以与 6.1 一起使用.
在 7.x 中,作者实现了一种优雅的添加外部字体的方式.

I'm getting the following error when I try and generate a PDF using the mPDF class:

TTF file "C:/wamp/www/inc/mpdf/ttfonts/verdana.ttf": invalid checksum 20f65173c11 table: DSIG (expected 65173c11)

I've uploaded the font files to my ttfonts directory and defined the font in config_fonts.php like this:

"verdana" => array(
    'R' => "verdana.ttf",
    'B' => "verdanab.ttf",
    'I' => "verdanai.ttf",
    'BI' => "verdanaz.ttf",

I only see the error when I turn on font error reporting in the config settings. When I turn error reporting off, the PDF is generated, but the font being used is not Verdana.

Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?


Based on @hrvoje-golcic answer, here's an improved and less dirty way to add fonts to mPDF without editing config_fonts.php. I'm using Laravel, I installed mPDF using composer.

  1. As suggested by the author, define a constant named _MPDF_TTFONTPATH before initializing mPDF with the value as the path to your ttfonts folder (this constant exists since at least 5.3).
  2. Copy the vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts folder to a location that you control (outside of the vendor folder).
  3. Add your custom fonts to that folder along with the others.
  4. Add your configuration to the fontdata property on the mPDF instance.

Heads up: The ttfonts folder has around 90MB so there's still might be a better way, but you have to copy all the fonts since the original config adds them. See composer script alternative at the bottom of this answer.

IMPORTANT: CSS font-family will be transformed to lowercase + nospaces so "Source Sans Pro" will become sourcesanspro.

Here's an example:

if (!defined('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH')) {
    // an absolute path is preferred, trailing slash required:
    define('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH', realpath('fonts/'));
    // example using Laravel's resource_path function:
    // define('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH', resource_path('fonts/'));

function add_custom_fonts_to_mpdf($mpdf, $fonts_list) {

    $fontdata = [
        'sourcesanspro' => [
            'R' => 'SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf',
            'B' => 'SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf',

    foreach ($fontdata as $f => $fs) {
        // add to fontdata array
        $mpdf->fontdata[$f] = $fs;

        // add to available fonts array
        foreach (['R', 'B', 'I', 'BI'] as $style) {
            if (isset($fs[$style]) && $fs[$style]) {
                // warning: no suffix for regular style! hours wasted: 2
                $mpdf->available_unifonts[] = $f . trim($style, 'R');


    $mpdf->default_available_fonts = $mpdf->available_unifonts;

$mpdf = new mPDF('UTF-8', 'A4');

Composer post-install script

Instead of copying all the fonts and adding them to git, a handy workaround using a composer post-install script can do that for you.

First of all, make sure the folder where you wish to copy the fonts exists, and create a .gitignore in it, with the following contents:


This will ignore everything except the .gitignore file and the fonts you wish to add.

Next, add the following scripts to your composer.json file:

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
        "cp -f vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts/* resources/fonts/"
    "post-update-cmd": [
        "cp -f vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts/* resources/fonts/"


This was tested to work with 6.1.
In 7.x, the author implemented an elegant way to add external fonts.

这篇关于将字体添加到 mPDF的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:将字体添加到 mPDF
