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PHP 构造函数的目的

Purpose of PHP constructors(PHP 构造函数的目的)

本文介绍了PHP 构造函数的目的的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am working with classes and object class structure, but not at a complex level – just classes and functions, then, in one place, instantiation.


As to __construct and __destruct, please tell me very simply: what is the purpose of constructors and destructors?


I know the school level theoretical explanation, but i am expecting something like in real world, as in which situations we have to use them.





A constructor is a function that is executed after the object has been initialized (its memory allocated, instance properties copied etc.). Its purpose is to put the object in a valid state.


Frequently, an object, to be in an usable state, requires some data. The purpose of the constructor is to force this data to be given to the object at instantiation time and disallow any instances without such data.


Consider a simple class that encapsulates a string and has a method that returns the length of this string. One possible implementation would be:

class StringWrapper {
    private $str;

    public function setInnerString($str) {
        $this->str = (string) $str;

    public function getLength() {
        if ($this->str === null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state.");
        return strlen($this->str);

为了处于有效状态,此函数需要在 getLength 之前调用 setInnerString.通过使用构造函数,您可以在调用 getLength 时强制所有实例处于良好状态:

In order to be in a valid state, this function requires setInnerString to be called before getLength. By using a constructor, you can force all the instances to be in a good state when getLength is called:

class StringWrapper {
    private $str;

    public function __construct($str) {
        $this->str = (string) $str;

    public function getLength() {
        return strlen($this->str);

您还可以保留 setInnerString 以允许在实例化后更改字符串.

You could also keep the setInnerString to allow the string to be changed after instantiation.

当对象即将从内存中释放时,会调用析构函数.通常,它包含清理代码(例如,关闭对象所持有的文件描述符).它们在 PHP 中很少见,因为 PHP 会在脚本执行结束时清除脚本持有的所有资源.

A destructor is called when an object is about to be freed from memory. Typically, it contains cleanup code (e.g. closing of file descriptors the object is holding). They are rare in PHP because PHP cleans all the resources held by the script when the script execution ends.

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本文标题为:PHP 构造函数的目的
