quot;Distancequot; between colours in PHP(“距离PHP中的颜色之间)
I'm looking for a function that can accurately represent the distance between two colours as a number or something.
例如,我希望有一个十六进制值或 RGB 数组的数组,并且我想在给定颜色的数组中找到最相似的颜色
For example I am looking to have an array of HEX values or RGB arrays and I want to find the most similar colour in the array for a given colour
例如.我向函数传递一个 RGB 值,并返回数组中最接近"的颜色
eg. I pass a function a RGB value and the 'closest' colour in the array is returned
每种颜色在 HEX 代码中都表示为一个元组.要确定接近匹配,您需要分别减去每个 RGB 分量.
Each color is represented as a tuple in the HEX code. To determine close matches you need to subtract each RGB component separately.
Color 1: #112233
Color 2: #122334
Color 3: #000000
Difference between color1 and color2: R=1, G=1 B=1 = 0x3
Difference between color3 and color1: R=11, G=22, B=33 = 0x66
So color 1 and color 2 are closer than
1 and 3.
So you want the closest named color? Create an array with the hex values of each color, iterate it and return the name. Something like this;
function getColor($rgb)
// these are not the actual rgb values
$colors = array(BLUE =>0xFFEEBB, RED => 0x103ABD, GREEN => 0x123456);
$largestDiff = 0;
$closestColor = "";
foreach ($colors as $name => $rgbColor)
if (colorDiff($rgbColor,$rgb) > $largestDiff)
$largestDiff = colorDiff($rgbColor,$rgb);
$closestColor = $name;
return $closestColor;
function colorDiff($rgb1,$rgb2)
// do the math on each tuple
// could use bitwise operates more efficiently but just do strings for now.
$red1 = hexdec(substr($rgb1,0,2));
$green1 = hexdec(substr($rgb1,2,2));
$blue1 = hexdec(substr($rgb1,4,2));
$red2 = hexdec(substr($rgb2,0,2));
$green2 = hexdec(substr($rgb2,2,2));
$blue2 = hexdec(substr($rgb2,4,2));
return abs($red1 - $red2) + abs($green1 - $green2) + abs($blue1 - $blue2) ;
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