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Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features while using paypal sandbox(使用贝宝沙盒时请登录以使用贝宝沙盒功能)



我使用 PayPal 沙盒作为支付网关,这是我第一次尝试为我的网站构建支付网关.

I'm using PayPal sandbox for the payment gateway, this is first time I'm trying to inbuild payment gateway to my site.


I simply used the form tag as follows

<form target="paypal" method="post" action="http://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr">

关于其他细节,我在这里尝试了 http 和 https,但它把我发送到一个页面,它要求我用以下消息登录到 PayPal:

With other details, I tried both http and https here, but it is sending me to a page where it ask me to login to PayPal with following message:

请登录以使用 PayPal 沙盒功能.

Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.

我现在不知道该怎么办.我在代码中做错了什么吗?请告诉我在网站上建立 PayPal 服务的具体程序.

I don't have an idea what to do now. Am I doing something wrong in code? Please direct me what exactly the procedure to inbuild PayPal service to site.


PayPal 沙箱的工作原理如下.首先,您创建一个整体的沙盒开发者帐户".您通常会使用自己的电子邮件地址执行此操作.

The PayPal sandbox works as follows. First, you create an overall "Sandbox Developer Account". You would usually do this using your own email address.

然后,在该沙盒开发者帐户"中创建测试帐户".PayPal 会为这些账户自动生成电子邮件地址,但它们最终会变得相当长且难以理解.这些是实际使用 PayPal 沙盒进行买卖的帐户.

Then, within that "Sandbox Developer Account" you create "Test Accounts". PayPal will auto-generate email addresses for these accounts, and they wind up being rather long and incomprehensible. These are the accounts that will actually buy and sell things using the PayPal Sandbox.

为了查看贝宝沙盒上的任何页面,您需要使用父级沙盒开发者帐户"登录.然后,您将被允许将购物车发送到 Sandbox,或使用其中一个测试帐户登录 Sandbox.

In order to view any page on the PayPal Sandbox you need to be logged in using the parent "Sandbox Developer Account". You will then be allowed to send carts to the Sandbox, or login to the Sandbox using one of the Test Accounts.

您通过访问 developer.kiva.org 登录您的沙盒开发者帐户".

You login to your "Sandbox Developer Account" by going to developer.kiva.org.


