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recurring payment to already running paypal script(定期付款到已经运行的贝宝脚本)




I have seen many related questions but didn't find any answer.

我已成功通过 paypal 实施交易,但现在我被要求通过 paypal 实施定期付款.我已经搜索过但找不到任何可以帮助我如何实现这一点的材料.

I have successfully implemented transactions through paypal but now I am asked to implement recurring payments through paypal. I have searched but couldn't find any material that can help me how to implement this.

首先是我实施的.我要求用户选择金额.用户选择金额,我将用户转移到他输入他的信息并进行交易的贝宝.交易成功后,我向用户显示交易 ID,并将 ipn 信息和用户信息存储在我的数据库中.

First what I have implemented. I ask user to select amount. User selects amount, I transfer user to paypal where he enters his information and do transaction. After successful transaction I show user the transaction id and stores ipn information and user information in my database.


Now I want to give an option to user to select recurring payment with yes or no. If user selects recurring payment then his recurring payment will be done with the amount that he selects above.


  1. 在我已经在运行的 paypal 脚本中要更改哪些内容才能定期进行 paypal 付款?
  2. 在付款时会询问经常性详细信息.
  3. 现在需要发送哪些额外参数来实现这一点?
  4. 如何在已经运行的应用程序上进行测试?
  5. paypal 将作为 ipn 发回给我的参数是什么?
  6. 我曾尝试从 paypal 网站上了解,但无法了解.



  • 处理定期付款(官方)
  • 订阅和定期付款变量 ( 3 )
  • 高级技术 - "订阅" 按钮 HTML 代码 ( 1 )
  • PDN - 订阅概览
  • 将 PayPal Checkout 添加到您的第 3 方购物购物车
  • 网站支付标准的 HTML 变量 ( 3 )
  • 取消个人订阅 ( 2 )
  • IPN 和 PDT 变量 ( 3 )
  • 即时付款通知 (IPN) 模拟器 ( 4 )
  • IPN 测试 ( 4 )
  • 付款状态– 这是什么意思? ( 5 )
  • 示例代码
  • Handling Recurring Payments (Official)
  • Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Variables ( 3 )
  • Advanced Techniques - "Subscribe" Button HTML Code ( 1 )
  • PDN - Subscriptions Overview
  • Adding PayPal Checkout to Your 3rd-party Shopping Cart
  • HTML Variables for Website Payments Standard ( 3 )
  • Canceling Individual Subscriptions ( 2 )
  • IPN and PDT Variables ( 3 )
  • Instant Payment Notification (IPN) simulator ( 4 )
  • IPN Testing ( 4 )
  • Payment status – what does it mean? ( 5 )
  • Sample Code



