Neo4j - Graphaware reco4php - Problem with namespaces(Neo4j - Graphaware reco4php - 命名空间问题)
我正在尝试从 Neo4j 运行演示 - reco4php 页面位于 此链接我非常仔细地遵循了每个步骤,但最后却出现了一个奇怪的错误.
I'm trying to run the demo from Neo4j - reco4php page at This Link I followed every steps very carefully but i'm getting a strange error at the end.
let me explain in more details :
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use GraphAwareCommonCypherStatement;
use GraphAwareCommonTypeNode;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPContextContext;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPEngineSingleDiscoveryEngine;
class RatedByOthers extends SingleDiscoveryEngine
public function discoveryQuery(Node $input, Context $context)
$query = 'MATCH (input:User) WHERE id(input) = {id}
MATCH (input)-[:RATED]->(m)<-[:RATED]-(o)
WITH distinct o
MATCH (o)-[:RATED]->(reco)
RETURN distinct reco LIMIT 500';
return Statement::create($query, ['id' => $input->identity()]);
public function name()
return "rated_by_others";
This above code extends the class "SingleDiscoveryEngine" :
declare (strict_types = 1);
namespace GraphAwareReco4PHPEngine;
use GraphAwareCommonResultRecord;
use GraphAwareCommonResultResultCollection;
use GraphAwareCommonTypeNode;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPContextContext;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPResultRecommendations;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPResultSingleScore;
abstract class SingleDiscoveryEngine implements DiscoveryEngine
private static $DEFAULT_RECO_NAME = 'reco';
private static $DEFAULT_SCORE_NAME = 'score';
private static $DEFAULT_REASON_NAME = 'reason';
public function buildScore(Node $input, Node $item, Record $record, Context
$context) : SingleScore
$score = $record->hasValue($this->scoreResultName()) ? $record- >value($this->scoreResultName()) : $this->defaultScore();
$reason = $record->hasValue($this->reasonResultName()) ? $record- >value($this->reasonResultName()) : null;
return new SingleScore($score, $reason);
final public function produceRecommendations(Node $input, ResultCollection
$resultCollection, Context $context) : Recommendations
$result = $resultCollection->get($this->name());
$recommendations = new Recommendations($context);
foreach ($result->records() as $record) {
if ($record->hasValue($this->recoResultName())) {
$recommendations->add($record->get($this->recoResultName()), $this->name(), $this->buildScore($input, $record->get($this->recoResultName()),
$record, $context));
return $recommendations;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function recoResultName() : string
return self::$DEFAULT_RECO_NAME;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function scoreResultName() : string
return self::$DEFAULT_SCORE_NAME;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function reasonResultName() : string
return self::$DEFAULT_REASON_NAME;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function defaultScore() : float
return 1.0;
and the above class is also implements the following class :
namespace GraphAwareReco4PHPEngine;
use GraphAwareCommonCypherStatementInterface;
use GraphAwareCommonResultRecord;
use GraphAwareCommonTypeNode;
use GraphAwareCommonResultResultCollection;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPContextContext;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPResultRecommendations;
use GraphAwareReco4PHPResultSingleScore;
interface DiscoveryEngine
* @return string The name of the discovery engine
public function name() : string;
* The statement to be executed for finding items to be recommended.
* @param Node $input
* @param Context $context
* @return GraphAwareCommonCypherStatement
public function discoveryQuery(Node $input, Context $context) : StatementInterface;
* Returns the score produced by the recommended item.
* @param Node $input
* @param Node $item
* @param Record $record
* @param Context $context
* @return GraphAwareReco4PHPResultSingleScore A single score produced for the recommended item
public function buildScore(Node $input, Node $item, Record $record, Context $context) : SingleScore;
* Returns a collection of Recommendation object produced by this discovery engine.
* @param Node $input
* @param ResultCollection $resultCollection
* @param Context $context
* @return Recommendations
public function produceRecommendations(Node $input, ResultCollection $resultCollection, Context $context) : Recommendations;
* @return string The column identifier of the row result representing the recommended item (node)
public function recoResultName() : string;
* @return string The column identifier of the row result representing the score to be used, note that this
* is not mandatory to have a score in the result. If empty, the score will be the float value returned by
* <code>defaultScore()</code> or the score logic if the concrete class override the <code>buildScore</code>
* method.
public function scoreResultName() : string;
* @return float The default score to be given to the discovered recommended item
public function defaultScore() : float;
And when I run the code I'm getting the following error :
致命错误:RatedByOthers::name() 的声明必须与 GraphAwareReco4PHPEngineDiscoveryEngine::name() 兼容:第 9 行/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/reco/index.php 中的字符串
Fatal error: Declaration of RatedByOthers::name() must be compatible with GraphAwareReco4PHPEngineDiscoveryEngine::name(): string in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/reco/index.php on line 9
I checked the code for hours and I think it should works fine and I have no idea where the problem comes from.
The problem solved by declaring the type of return right after function starts :
public function discoveryQuery(Node $input, Context $context) : GraphAwareCommonCypherStatementInterface {
$query = 'MATCH (input:User) WHERE id(input) = {id}
MATCH (input)-[:RATED]->(m)<-[:RATED]-(o)
WITH distinct o
MATCH (o)-[:RATED]->(reco)
RETURN distinct reco LIMIT 500';
return Statement::create($query, ['id' => $input->identity()]);
public function name() : string
return "rated_by_others";
hope it can help someone else in the future.
这篇关于Neo4j - Graphaware reco4php - 命名空间问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:Neo4j - Graphaware reco4php - 命名空间问题
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