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Laravel 缓存与 Redis 非常慢

Laravel Caching with Redis is very slow(Laravel 缓存与 Redis 非常慢)

本文介绍了Laravel 缓存与 Redis 非常慢的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在 Laravel 上使用 Redis 迈出我的第一步,我发现了一些奇怪的东西.

I´m making my first steps with Redis on Laravel and there is something odd I figured out.

在我的设置中使用 Redis 作为缓存驱动程序时,加载页面需要很长时间.

When using Redis as a cache driver in my setup it is taking far way to much time to load a page.

我怎么知道?当不使用 Cache 门面而直接使用 Redis 门面时,响应时间只是一小部分.我从头开始安装 Laravel 并为简单的文章模型构建迁移和播种器.

How do I know? When not using the Cache facade but the Redis facade directly response times are just a fraction. I set up a laravel installation on scratch and build a migration and seeder for a simple Article model.

首先我认为这些项目没有存储在 redis 中,因为在使用 KEYS * 搜索时 redis-cli 没有显示它们.我发现缓存存储在另一个带有 REDIS_CACHE_DB 的数据库中,如 config/database.php`redis-cli 中的 INFO 键空间列出了这两个名为 0 和 1 的数据库.

First I thought the items were not stored in redis as redis-cli didn´t show them when searching with KEYS *. I figured out the cache is stored in another DB with REDIS_CACHE_DB as found in config/database.php `INFO keyspace in redis-cli lists those two DB´s named 0 and 1.

我认为问题可能是由我使用 Mamp Pro 设置的本地主机引起的.所以我切换到 Laravel Homestead box 并将我的项目上传到那里.同样在这里.

I thought the problem could be caused by my localhost setup with Mamp Pro. So I switched over to the Laravel Homestead box and uploaded my project there. Same here.


Here´s the code I´m using: routes/web.php

use IlluminateSupportFacadesRedis;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesCache;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use AppArticle;

Route::get('/get-articles-mysql', function (Request $request) {
    return response()->json(Article::take(20000)->get());

Route::get('/get-articles-cache', function (Request $request) {
    return Cache::remember('posts', 60, function () {
        return Article::take(20000)->get();


Route::get('/get-articles-redis', function (Request $request) {
    if($posts = Redis::get('posts.all')) {
        return response()->json(json_decode($posts));

    $posts = Article::take(20000)->get();
    Redis::set('posts.all', Article::take(20000)->get());
    return response()->json($posts);



I´m using postman to get the response times. I made several runs as the caching routes should be slow on the first request when caching is empty. But what I get on the average is this:

http://laravel-echo.local/get-articles-mysql 583ms
http://laravel-echo.local/get-articles-redis 62ms
http://laravel-echo.local/get-articles-cache 730ms

我不明白这个.直接使用 Redis 门面非常快.但为什么缓存这么慢? 是的,我仔细检查了我的 .env 文件.有 CACHE_DRIVER=redis 所以我不是偶然使用文件系统的.我同时使用了 php artisan config:clearphp artisan cache:clear 以避免调试时出错.

I´m not getting this. Using the Redis facade directly is super-fast. But why is caching so slow? Yes, I double checked my .env files. There is CACHE_DRIVER=redis so I´m not using file system by accident. And I used both php artisan config:clear and php artisan cache:clear to avoid mistakes when debugging.

我在 redis-cli 中看到一个名为laravel_cache:posts"的键.缓存的帖子在那里.加载它们只需要很长时间.我还在 Chrome 中测试了请求.响应时间要长得多,但缓存仍然比单纯的 mysql 查询需要更多的时间.

I see a key called "laravel_cache:posts" in redis-cli. The cached posts are there. It only takes ages to load them. I also tested the requests in Chrome. The response times are much longer but still caching takes more than mere mysql querying.


So any suggestions what could be going on here?



I know this thread is already very old, but I am still getting the same.

我使用 Laragon 进行本地开发,Redis 使我的 API 请求速度降低了 4 倍.

I am using Laragon for local development and Redis makes my API request 4x slower.


OMFG... I just the problem.

在我的 .env 文件中,我有REDIS_HOST=localhost",这正是问题所在.

In my .env file I had "REDIS_HOST=localhost" and that is exactly the problem.


After I change it to "REDIS_HOST=", everything is running fast.


这篇关于Laravel 缓存与 Redis 非常慢的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Laravel 缓存与 Redis 非常慢
