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PHP terminal emulator(PHP终端模拟器)



我想用 php 和 jquery 或 ajax 编写一个终端"模拟器.

I want to program a "Terminal" emulator in php and jquery or ajax.

我的意图不是执行真正的终端命令,我想创建类似 echo 的命令并将结果检索到 TextArea,或者创建类似 newuser 的命令并打开 jquery 对话框或网页.有没有办法开发这个东西?

My intention it's not to execute real terminal commands, I want to make commands like echo and retrieve me the results to an TextArea, or make commands like newuser and open me a jquery dialog or a webpage. Is there any way to do develop this thing?

我想要的是一个文本区域,我可以在其中获取响应和一个文本输入字段,我可以在其中放置命令.需要做的功能是调用一个 php 文件,它管理文本字段上的数据输入,比较并执行一些操作,例如简单的回声或掷骰子.我不想管理系统.感谢大家

The thing i want is a text area where i get the responses and a text input field where i put the commands. The function that needs to do is make a call to a php file where it manages the data input on the text field, compare and do some actions, like a simple echo or a dice rolling. I don't want to manage the system. Thanks to all



There are several remote (ajax) shells, which emulate a shell and forward the commands to to the real shell on the server via HTTP(S):

  • http://antony.lesuisse.org/software/ajaxterm/
  • http://www.squarefree.com/shell/shell.html
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web-based_SSH


