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Soft delete best practices (PHP/MySQL)(软删除最佳实践(PHP/MySQL))




在处理产品和订单的 Web 应用程序中,我想维护前雇员(用户)与他们处理的订单之间的信息和关系.我想维护过时产品和包含这些产品的订单之间的信息和关系.

In a web application dealing with products and orders, I want to maintain information and relationships between former employees (users) and the orders they handled. I want to maintain information and relationships between obsolete products and orders which include these products.


However I want employees to be able to de-clutter the administration interfaces, such as removing former employees, obsolete products, obsolete product groups etc.


I'm thinking of implementing soft-deletion. So, how does one usually do this?


我的第一个想法是在每个应该软删除的对象表中粘贴一个flag_softdeleted TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"列.或者可以改用时间戳?

My first thought is to stick a "flag_softdeleted TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" column in every table of objects that should be soft deletable. Or maybe use a timestamp instead?

然后,我在每个相关的 GUI 中提供一个显示已删除"或取消删除"按钮.单击此按钮,您将在结果中包含软删除的记录.每个删除的记录都有一个恢复"按钮.这有意义吗?

Then, I provide a "Show deleted" or "Undelete" button in each relevant GUI. Clicking this button you will include soft-deleted records in the result. Each deleted record has a "Restore" button. Does this make sense?



Also, I'd appreciate any links to relevant resources.


我就是这样做的.我有一个 is_deleted 字段,默认为 0.然后查询只需检查 WHERE is_deleted = 0.

That's how I do it. I have a is_deleted field which defaults to 0. Then queries just check WHERE is_deleted = 0.


I try to stay away from any hard-deletes as much as possible. They are necessary sometimes, but I make that an admin-only feature. That way we can hard-delete, but users can't...


In fact, you could use this to have multiple "layers" of soft-deletion in your app. So each could be a code:

  • 0 -> 未删除
  • 1 -> 软删除,显示在管理用户的已删除项目列表中
  • 2 -> 软删除,除管理员用户外不显示任何用户
  • 3 -> 仅对开发者显示.
  • 0 -> Not Deleted
  • 1 -> Soft Deleted, shows up in lists of deleted items for management users
  • 2 -> Soft Deleted, does not show up for any user except admin users
  • 3 -> Only shows up for developers.

拥有其他 2 个级别仍然允许经理和管理员在删除列表太长时清理它们.而且由于前端代码只检查 is_deleted = 0,它对前端是透明的...

Having the other 2 levels will still allow managers and admins to clean up the deleted lists if they get too long. And since the front-end code just checks for is_deleted = 0, it's transparent to the frontend...


