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ffmpeg 从cropdetect 中获取值

ffmpeg get value from cropdetect(ffmpeg 从cropdetect 中获取值)

本文介绍了ffmpeg 从cropdetect 中获取值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以在一行中运行cropdetect 和crop 并从视频中获取拇指?

Its possible to run cropdetect and crop in one line and get thumbs from video?


ffmpeg -ss 1 -i 0.flv -vf cropdetect=24:16:0,crop=w:h:x:y -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s 240x180 0.jpg

或者可能需要在 2 行中运行,首先运行cropdetect,然后运行crop 并从视频生成拇指,但这样我需要从cropdetect 中获取价值?

Or maybe need to run in 2 line, first run cropdetect and than run crop and generate thumbs from video, but in this way i need to get value from cropdetect?


cropdetect 输出到控制台,因此您可以解析输出,然后将其用作变量:

cropdetect outputs to the console, so you can parse the output and then use it as a variable:

ffmpeg -i input -t 1 -vf cropdetect -f null - 2>&1 | awk '/crop/ { print $NF }' | tail -1




Then run your actual crop command:

ffmpeg -i input -vf $cropvalue,scale=240:-1 -vframes 1 -qscale:v 2 output.jpg

  • -vcodec mjpeg-an-f rawvideo 是多余的

    使用-qscale:v控制jpg输出质量.合理的范围是 2-5(较低的值表示较高的质量).

    Use -qscale:v to control jpg output quality. A sane range is 2-5 (a lower value is a higher quality).

    使用 scale 过滤器而不是-s;特别是如果您已经在使用过滤器.此外,scale 过滤器将允许您设置特定的宽度或高度,并且使用 -1 它将自动提供正确的值以保留方面.否则,如果您尝试强制使用特定大小,则可能会导致输出被压扁或拉伸.

    Use the scale filter instead of -s; especially if you're already using filters. Also the scale filter will allow you to set a specific width or height and with -1 it will automatically provide the correct value to preserve aspect. Otherwise if you try to force a specific size you can risk a squished or stretched output.

    显然我不是 PHP 编码员,但这至少应该给你一个想法.

    Obviously I'm not a PHP coder, but this should give you an idea at least.

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本文标题为:ffmpeg 从cropdetect 中获取值
