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Laravel 使用 Sum 和 Groupby

Laravel using Sum and Groupby(Laravel 使用 Sum 和 Groupby)

本文介绍了Laravel 使用 Sum 和 Groupby的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I would like to fetch sum of quantity in each month, so that I can display on bar chart quantities against month


This is what I thought but didn't workout

 $data1 = Borrow::groupBy(function($d) {
 return Carbon::parse($d->created_at)->format('m')->sum('quantity');


Schema::create('borrows', function (Blueprint $table) {


that a collection group by not an eloquent groupby

that a collection group by not an eloquent groupby

如果你想用 eloquent 来做,必须:

if you want to do it with eloquent, gotta:

 $data1 = Borrow::selectRaw('SUM(quantity) as qt, MONTH(created_at) as borrowMonth')

如果你想用集合 groupBy 方法来做,你应该先做 get,然后是 groupBy.

if you want to do it with the collection groupBy method, you should first do the get, then the groupBy.


As in, though im not sure what you're trying to accomplish with what you do inside the callback..

 $data1 = Borrow::get()->groupBy(function($d) {
 return Carbon::parse($d->created_at)->format('m')->sum('quantity');

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本文标题为:Laravel 使用 Sum 和 Groupby
