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php function not returning all results from a MySQL query in a foreach(php函数没有从foreach中的MySQL查询返回所有结果)



伙计们,我有一个从 MySQL 数据库中检索数据的函数的小问题,然后我用 foreach 循环迭代结果,检查一个值以查看它是否为空,如果是,则将其替换为另一个价值.

Hey guys I have a little issue with a function that retrieves data from a MySQL Database and then I iterate over the results with a foreach loop, checking a value to see if it is null and if it is, replacing it with another value.


The problem with this function is this, that after returning the data I'm only able to view one record retrieved from the database. Probably something simple but it's beyond me.

我想在将其传递给控制器​​或视图之前执行此操作.也许这对于 foreach 循环是不可能的?我错过了什么?

I would like to do this before passing it to the controller or view. Maybe this isn't possible with the foreach loop? What am I missing?


public function get_basic_user_data(){
    $sql = 'SELECT Account.First_Name, Account.Last_Name, Account.User_Name, Profile_Photos.Thumb_Url 
            FROM Account 
            LEFT JOIN Profile_Photos ON Account.idAccount = Profile_Photos.Account_Id 
            AND Profile_Photos.Active = 1
            WHERE Account.idAccount != ?';
    $account_id = $this->get_account_id();
    $data = $this->db->query($sql, $account_id);

    foreach($data->result() as $row){

            if($row->Thumb_Url == NULL){
                $image = base_url().'assets/images/no_photo_thumb.png';
                $image = $row->Thumb_Url; 

    $new_data = new stdClass;
    $new_data->First_Name = $row->First_Name;
    $new_data->Last_Name = $row->Last_Name;
    $new_data->User_Name = $row->User_Name;
    $new_data->Thumb_Url = $image;


    return $new_data;



Hopefully someone can help me with this? Thanks!



At the moment you are just returning the last data row. Change your code like this to return an array of all your rows from that function:

$rows = array()
foreach($data->result() as $row){

    if($row->Thumb_Url == NULL){
        $image = base_url().'assets/images/no_photo_thumb.png';
        $image = $row->Thumb_Url; 

    $new_data = new stdClass;
    $new_data->First_Name = $row->First_Name;
    $new_data->Last_Name = $row->Last_Name;
    $new_data->User_Name = $row->User_Name;
    $new_data->Thumb_Url = $image;

    $rows[] = $new_data;

return $rows;

这样,从数据库返回的每一行都将添加到名为 $rows 的数组中.最后你必须返回你的新数组.

This way every row returned from the database will be added to an array named $rows. At the end you have to return your new array.


