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什么是 WhereHas Laravel 中的关系计数条件

What is relationship count condition in WhereHas Laravel(什么是 WhereHas Laravel 中的关系计数条件)

本文介绍了什么是 WhereHas Laravel 中的关系计数条件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我很难理解 WhereHas 中的关系计数条件.文档页面没有关于它的讨论,但 API 页面讨论了它.来自 API 的报价.

I am having a difficulty understanding the relationship count condition in WhereHas. The docs page does not have discussion about it but API page talks about it. Quote from API.

Builder|Builder whereHas(string $relation, Closure $callback, string$operator = '>=', int $count = 1)

Builder|Builder whereHas(string $relation, Closure $callback, string $operator = '>=', int $count = 1)

使用 where 子句向查询添加关系计数条件.

Add a relationship count condition to the query with where clauses.


Resource 模型与 ResourceCategory

public function categories()
    return $this->belongsToMany('ResourceCategory', 'resource_category_mapping');

Has 中的关系条件

Has 中的关系条件按预期工作.

The relationship condition in Has is working as expected.

Resource::has('categories', '>', 1)->get()
//this return all resources which have more than one catgories

WhereHas 中的关系条件

WhereHas 中的关系条件未按预期工作.我确定我误解了它.

The relationship condition in WhereHas is not working as expected. I am sure I have misunderstood it.

Resource::whereHas('categories', function ( $query){
            $query->whereIn('resource_category_id', [1, 2, 4]);
        }, '>', 1)->get()

上面的代码应该返回类别属于 [1, 2, 4] 之一的资源,并且该资源有多个类别.但事实并非如此.

The above code should return resources which whose categories belong to either of [1, 2, 4] and the resource has more than one categories. But it is not.



Kindly explain the relationship condition in WhereHas, may be providing an example would be much helpful.


通常,whereHas() 检查您的模型是否具有至少一个相关模型.您可以将 $count 设置为更高的值,以将计数增加到 N 并仅获取至少具有 N 个相关模型的模型.

Normally, whereHas() checks if your model has at least one related model. You can set $count to some higher value to increase the count to Nand fetch only the models that have at least N related models.


Resource::has('categories', '>', 2)->get();

将仅返回具有至少 2 个 相关类别的资源.

will return only those Resources that have at least 2 related categories.

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本文标题为:什么是 WhereHas Laravel 中的关系计数条件
