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React Native Fetch Api 无法设置 Cookie 标头

React Native Fetch Api Unable to Set Cookie Header(React Native Fetch Api 无法设置 Cookie 标头)

本文介绍了React Native Fetch Api 无法设置 Cookie 标头的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个 react native 应用程序和 php rest 服务作为后端.

I am developing a react native app and php rest service as backend.

当用户登录时,我使用 json_encode() 函数将用户和会话 ID 信息回显为 $response 数组.

When user login i echo user and session id info as $response array with json_encode() function.

$response['user'] 存储用户信息.$response['sessid'] 存储会话 ID.

$response['user'] stores user info. $response['sessid'] stores session id.

在 Postman 中,我可以将 Header 设置为 Cookie,并使用 sessionid 作为值.它完美地工作.但是在 fetch api 中我无法设置 Cookie 标头.

In Postman i can set a Header as Cookie and as value i use sessionid. It works perfectly. But in fetch api i can't set Cookie header.


const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('sessid');
console.log("value" + value)
var url = '';
fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET', 
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Cookie' : value
}).then(  (response) => {


对这个获取的响应带有一个 php 错误,上面写着

Response for this fetch comes with a php error which says


从行 $_SESSION['user']['name']


你是对的.Cookie 列在禁止的标头名称中:

You are correct. Cookie is listed amoung the forbidden header names:


These are forbidden so the user agent remains in full control over them.

如果您想在 HTTP 请求中发送 Cookie,则必须先向使用 Set-Cookie 响应标头设置的同一来源发出 HTTP 请求.

If you want to send a Cookie in an HTTP request, then you must make a prior HTTP request to the same origin that uses a Set-Cookie response header to set it.

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本文标题为:React Native Fetch Api 无法设置 Cookie 标头
